• The Gengo plugin by itself seems to work just fine. As soon as I activate the ShareThis plugin, however, I get the following error:

    “Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_currentuserinfo() in /home/www/web16/html/wp-content/plugins/gengo/gengo.php on line 1557”

    Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Thanks for any help.

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  • Same problem here but with MailPress :(.

    Hello ??

    I’ve had the same problem with many other plugins. According to Gengo documentation that is because of incorrect plugin localization. And there’s an easy fix. Here’s the one for ShareThis:

    1. Open up sharethis.php and locate this line


    2. Replace it with:

    // a custom function for loading localization
    function sharethis_load_textdomain() {
    	//check whether necessary core function exists
    	if ( function_exists('load_plugin_textdomain') ) {
    		//load the plugin textdomain
    // call the custom function on the init hook
    add_action('init', 'sharethis_load_textdomain');

    3. Save the file and try accessing your WP-installation again
    4. You can also contact the plugin author to inform him of this incompatibility

    I guess the problem is similar with MailPress, just look for the function load_plugin_textdomain

    Good luck ??

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