• Resolved aamaan


    This new version v1.8.25 can’t connect to the imap server. I’ve tried reinstalling but it shows a message on the top saying- ‘You have not set the blog time zone. You can do so on the General Settings page. Note you may need to update the “Postie Time Correction” setting once you have done so.
    ‘ though it is!

    Test config produce this error:

    Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tls://imap.gmail.com:993 (Network is unreachable) in /home/…./…../wp-content/plugins/postie/lib/pSocketConnection.php on line 37
    Socket error: 101 – Network is unreachable
    Unable to connect. The server said: There was an error connecting to the server Network is unreachable

    Pls help! I’ve taken screenshots and gifs but don’t know how to send them.

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Thread Starter aamaan


    Test Config:

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. This includes log data. ]

    Postie Settings (v1.8.25)
    Starting mail fetch
    Postie Version: 1.8.25
    Wordpress Version: 4.7.1
    PHP Version: 5.4.43
    OS: Linux server117.web-hosting.com 2.6.32-604.30.3.lve1.3.63.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Sep 27 06:34:10 EDT 2015 x86_64
    Error log: error_log
    TMP dir: /tmp/
    Postie is in /home/fullokpr/DO-NOT-DELETE2/wp-content/plugins/postie/
    cURL version: 7.38.0
    Cron: On
    Alternate Cron: Off
    wp_content_path: /home/fullokpr/DO-NOT-DELETE2/wp-content
    memory at start of email processing: 44816112
    postie_getemails: Connecting to imap.gmail.com:993 (imap-ssl)
    postie_getemails: procol: imap-ssl
    Connecting via Socket
    Socket: tls://imap.gmail.com:993
    Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tls://imap.gmail.com:993 (Network is unreachable) in /home/...../.............../wp-content/plugins/postie/lib/pSocketConnection.php on line 37
    Socket error: 101 - Network is unreachable
    There was an error connecting to the server Network is unreachable
    There are 0 messages to process
        [add_meta] => no
        [admin_username] => admin
        [allow_html_in_body] => 1
        [allow_html_in_subject] => 1
        [allow_subject_in_mail] => 1
        [audiotemplate] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a>
        [audiotypes] => Array
                [0] => m4a
                [1] => mp3
                [2] => ogg
                [3] => wav
                [4] => mpeg
        [authorized_addresses] => Array
                [0] => [email protected]
                [1] => [email protected]
                [2] => [email protected]
                [3] => [email protected]
        [banned_files_list] => Array
        [confirmation_email] => 
        [convertnewline] => 0
        [converturls] => 1
        [custom_image_field] => 0
        [default_post_category] => 1
        [category_match] => 1
        [default_post_tags] => Array
        [default_title] => Live From The Field
        [delete_mail_after_processing] => 1
        [drop_signature] => 1
        [filternewlines] => 1
        [forward_rejected_mail] => 1
        [icon_set] => silver
        [icon_size] => 32
        [auto_gallery] => 0
        [image_new_window] => 
        [image_placeholder] => #img%#
        [images_append] => 0
        [imagetemplate] => <a href="{PAGELINK}"><img src="{MEDIUM}" alt="{CAPTION}" width="{MEDIUMWIDTH}" height="{MEDIUMHEIGHT}" /></a>
        [imagetemplates] => Array
                [simple_link] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a>
                [no_wrappers] => <a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{CAPTION}" /></a>
                [wordpress_default] => <a href="{PAGELINK}"><img src="{MEDIUM}" alt="{CAPTION}" width="{MEDIUMWIDTH}" height="{MEDIUMHEIGHT}" /></a>
                [thumbnail_left] => <div style="float:left;margin-right:10px;"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{CAPTION}" /></a></div>
                [thumbnail_right] => <div style="float:right;margin-left:10px;"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{CAPTION}" /></a></div>
                [robert_felty] => <div style="margin-right:10px;background:black;color:white;padding:2px; width:{MEDIUMWIDTH};float:left"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{MEDIUM}" alt="{CAPTION}" /></a><div style="padding:.2em;text-align:left">{CAPTION}</div></div>
                [postie_legacy] => <div class="postie-image-div"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{FILENAME}" /></a></div>
                [custom] => 
        [input_protocol] => imap-ssl
        [input_connection] => sockets
        [interval] => oneminute
        [mail_server] => imap.gmail.com
        [mail_server_port] => 993
        [mail_userid] => [email protected]
        [maxemails] => 0
        [message_start] => :start
        [message_end] => :end
        [message_encoding] => UTF-8
        [message_dequote] => 1
        [post_status] => publish
        [prefer_text_type] => plain
        [return_to_sender] => 0
        [role_access] => Array
                [editor] => 1
        [selected_audiotemplate] => simple_link
        [selected_imagetemplate] => wordpress_default
        [selected_video1template] => vshortcode
        [selected_video2template] => simple_link
        [shortcode] => 
        [sig_pattern_list] => Array
                [0] => --\s?[\r\n]?
                [1] => --\s
                [2] => --
                [3] => ---
        [smtp] => Array
        [start_image_count_at_zero] => 1
        [supported_file_types] => Array
                [0] => application
        [turn_authorization_off] => 0
        [time_offset] => 6
        [video1template] => [video width="568" height="320" {FILETYPE}="{FILELINK}"][/video]
        [video1types] => Array
                [0] => mp4
                [1] => mpeg4
                [2] => 3gp
                [3] => 3gpp
                [4] => 3gpp2
                [5] => 3gp2
                [6] => mov
                [7] => mpeg
                [8] => quicktime
        [video2template] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a>
        [video2types] => Array
                [0] => x-flv
        [video1templates] => Array
                [simple_link] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a>
                [small] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="128"height="96"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="128" height="96"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="128" height="110" scale="tofit"></embed> </object>
                [medium] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="320"height="240"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="320" height="240"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="320" height="260" scale="tofit"></embed> </object>
                [medium_widescreen] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="480"height="270"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="480" height="270"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="480" height="290" scale="tofit"></embed> </object>
                [large] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="480"height="360"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="480" height="360"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="480" height="380" scale="tofit"></embed> </object>
                [large_widescreen] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="640"height="360"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="640" height="360"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="640" height="380" scale="tofit"></embed> </object>
                [vshortcode] => [video width="568" height="320" {FILETYPE}="{FILELINK}"][/video]
                [custom] => 
        [video2templates] => Array
                [simple_link] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a>
                [small] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="128"height="96"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="128" height="96"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="128" height="110"></embed> </object>
                [medium] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="320"height="240"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="320" height="240"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="320" height="260"></embed> </object>
                [medium_widescreen] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="480"height="270"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="480" height="270"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="480" height="290"></embed> </object>
                [large] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="480"height="360"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="480" height="360"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="480" height="380"></embed> </object>
                [large_widescreen] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="640"height="360"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="640" height="360"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="640" height="380"></embed> </object>
                [flv_embed] => [flv:{FILELINK} 480 270]
                [custom] => 
        [wrap_pre] => no
        [featured_image] => 1
        [include_featured_image] => 1
        [email_tls] => 
        [post_format] => standard
        [post_type] => post
        [generaltemplates] => Array
                [postie_default] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{ICON} {FILENAME}</a>
                [simple_link] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a>
                [custom] => 
        [generaltemplate] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{ICON} {FILENAME}</a>
        [selected_generaltemplate] => postie_default
        [generate_thumbnails] => 0
        [reply_as_comment] => 1
        [force_user_login] => 0
        [auto_gallery_link] => Default
        [ignore_mail_state] => 
        [strip_reply] => 1
        [postie_log_error] => 1
        [postie_log_debug] => 1
        [category_colon] => 1
        [category_dash] => 1
        [category_bracket] => 1
        [prefer_text_convert] => 1
    Mail fetch complete, 0 emails
    memory at end of email processing:44831224
    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    I know that this seemed to appear when you updated Postie, but this is something you need to contact your host about.

    Either the host is blocking outbound connections on port 993 or there are DNS configuration issues.

    Thread Starter aamaan


    Thank you very much for your awesome support. The plugin is superb; indeed, this is helping many people to make their lives even easier.

    I contacted my host provider and they fixed the issue so now no I can use it as before. so….FIVE STAR for Postie!

    Plugin Author Wayne Allen


    Glad you were able to get it working again.

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