• Good morning,

    My apologies for the long post – I want to list significant details.

    This is a great plugin – it is the only one that I’ve used that works consistently; and you obviously provide a lot of quick support.

    My conversions have dropped significantly since implementing amp. I have noticed when checking my referrer stats that for pages which are being served by https://cdn.ampproject.org I get a lot of 404’s depending upon the url structure.
    URL’s structured as “https://cdn.ampproject.org/v/example.com/?amp&_js_v=6” deliver a 404. URL’s structured as “https://cdn.ampproject.org/v/example.com/amp/?amp&_js_v=6” deliver the amp version of the page.

    The “amp/?amp” seems to work as opposed to just “/?amp”.

    I see this on pages and posts. Manually changing the URL structure doesn’t display the page indicating (I think) that it is not cached in the CDN. When I just visit the homepage from a browser adding “/amp”; I get the amp version. Adding “/?amp” delivers the non-amp version.

    I have tried changing settings – amp for pages on\off, custom home page on\off, mobile redirection on\off. I seem to be able to affect whether or not the pages are served by the CDN, but not the URL structure when they are served.

    I have a mobile friendly site but also use WPTouch Pro to deliver mobile specific content. I need to get conversions back up and wonder if I should disable amp; which I really do not want to do.

    I would appreciate any advice; and sorry for the long post.

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  • Thread Starter jcartr3


    Hi Marqas,

    I don’t understand the comment about all of the pages showing the same issue.

    When I click on referral links the proper pages show – either amp of non-amp depending upon the link followed. The only ones that seems to have a problem are the ones with just /?amp in the URL rather than /amp/?amp; mainly the static homepage but any pages\posts served by the CDN with just /?amp seem to have the issue.

    Even though I get a 404 when following those links I’m sure that not every visitor does as there are some conversions showing for those referral links.

    When I type the URL into a browser; /amp/?amp, /amp or /?amp; the amp page is served. It seems to only be happening when the page is served by https://cdn.ampproject.org.

    The installed\active plugin are:

    Accelerated Mobile Pages
    Advanced Automatic Updates 1.0.2
    AMP 0.4.2
    Autoptimize 2.1.0
    Download Manager
    Easy Affiliate Links 2.1.0
    Glue For Yoast & AMP 0.3.3
    Official Statcounter Plugin 2.0.1
    Optimize Database After Deleting Revisions 4.2.1
    Quick Page\Post Redirect 5.1.8
    Simple Link Cloaker 1.0
    Wordfence Security Premium 6.2.10
    WP Smush 2.5.3
    WP Super Cache 1.4.8
    WPtouch Pro 4.3.7
    Yoast SEO Premium 4.1
    Yoast SEO Video 4.0 – not yet activated

    Which login credentials are you referring to – WP or Hosting; and for what purpose?



    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Side note:

    *Reads. Sigh, now I have to review and redact all of @ampforwp replies…*

    I am pretty sure this came up before. Please take this warning seriously @ampforwp OK?

    I’ve deleted your offer to login to your user’s site. I’m am 100% sure you mean well but please never ask for credentials on these forums. Ever.


    Now for the why: The internet is a wonderful place full of very nice people and a few very bad ones. I’m sure everyone here is very nice however, by giving some ones keys to your house you are trusting they wont steal anything. Likewise the person who takes the keys is now responsible for the house FOREVER.

    If something was to go wrong, then you the author may well legally become liable for damages, which they would not normally have been as their software is provided without warranty.

    Please be aware that repeatedly asking for credentials will result in us asking you to repeatedly stop before escalating up to the plugins team.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Side side note: @jcartr3 Don’t send anyone the login credentials.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Side note to @jcartr3 Please excuse me while I go very far off topic.

    @mohammed_kaludi @ampforwp @ahmedkaludi

    I am escalating this matter to the plugins team.

    Full stop: You cannot ask for login details in these forums. If you are not going to comply with this then please consider removing your plugin from the WordPress repo.

    I have pointed this out before and my cautioning was disregarded.


    Here is @ahmedkaludi reply and my rather lengthy response.


    After that conversation I see this behavior is still going on. Reply back here each of you that you understand. Or if you like, take it up with the plugins team.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
    Plugin Contributor ampforwp


    Hi @jdembowski,

    Thank you so much for the explanation.

    We will keep it in mind.

    Team AMP

    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Hey @jdembowski

    I’m personally sorry for this. We were trying just trying to help the users. We did not mean to violate any rules. We love & live on WordPress.

    I will make sure that this never happens again. I am calling an internal meeting and I will explain every one of our team member to explain that we must never ever ask for the login info again.

    I really apologize for this.

    Ahmed Kaludi

    Plugin Author Mohammed Kaludi


    Hey @jdembowski,

    I totally understand the concerns you are making, we were just going one step further to help the users.

    But from now we will keep this in mind and will never ask the login information from the users.

    Mohammed Kaludi

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Gentlemen, I thank you all for your prompt attention to this issue.

    I apologize to the original poster for this detour and I hope you can get his problem sorted out.

    Thread Starter jcartr3


    Thanks for that response.

    I wouldn’t give up my login details to anyone – I really wanted to see if the request was for WP or Hosting credentials or both.

    I have no doubt that the ampforwp team is trying to be as helpful as possible and I appreciate that; but I won’t give up login info any more than I’ll give up my Social Security number or banking information.

    But as for the original post\problem; any information would be appreciated.

    I’m considering disabling amp; I don’t want to do that – I know it will result in a lot of 404’s for visitors and the search engines; but I need to return to the more consistent conversions that I had before amp.

    I notice that visitors seem to be interacting with the amp pages a little differently than with the normal pages. I’ve moved some things around and will give it a little time.



    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Hey @jcartr3

    Let’s discuss this over the email?

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