Hey Cliff – let me try to be a little clearer. Sorry about that last message.
So we’re moving a site from rackspace to wpengine. I updated the pardot plugin, changed DNS for the new host and pushed the site live. Once the DNS propogated, any page with a pardot form immediately timed out and gave a 502 error. After confirming the latest pardot plugin was the culprit, I rolled it back to version 1.4. The pages stopped timing out but no forms appeared. And no pardot code was in the source code of the site.
Tried the same process on a third staging site on a third host. Same issue. New Pardot plugin times out on page. Older version – no forms and no pardot code in the site source code.
Additionally, in the pardot plugin settings, my credentials authenticate but I get this:
“Campaign (for Tracking Code): These will show up once you’re connected.”
So, on two out of three hosting platforms, the plugin isn’t injecting the pardot code into the site source code. And the new plugin version times out on pages where forms should be.
One other thing – if I deactivate the plugin, manually put the code in and put a form in an iframe on a page, the form STILL doesn’t appear – in 2 out of 3 hosts.
When we initially signed up for Pardot, we were lead to believe we could only use Pardot on ONE website and that Pardot was pointed to our domain. Since this issue began, we’ve heard conflicting thoughts from pardot people on this.
Could our issue be that the two hosts where Pardot simply isn’t working – manually or plugin – aren’t being recognized by Pardot? If so, how long does it take pardot to propagate to a new hosting environment with our same domain name?
I’ll be happy to give you site access if you want to take a look.