• My website (puremadonna.com) which is made using wordpress, loads so slowly and uses so much CPU power that most hosts have suspended the services for it.

    Could anyone be so kind as to please look at it for me and let me know what could be causing this and some possible solutions to help it run better?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • What plugins do you have installed and enabled? What generates your thumbnails?

    Plugins with poorly written sql can kill a system. Generating thumbnails on the fly can kill a system.

    Thread Starter emma_leigh


    Hi Ogre
    Thanks for the reply.

    The plugins i have activated are as follows:

    AWSOM PixGallery
    Blogroll Links
    Clean Options
    Deko Boko
    DMSGuestbook widget
    Downloads Manager
    General Header
    Genki Announcement
    Global Translator
    Google XML Sitemaps
    HB Social Bookmarks
    MiniMeta Widget
    Page Links To
    Random Image Widget
    Register Plus
    SimplePie Core
    SimplePie Plugin for WordPress
    Snap My Roll
    Snazzy Archives
    Title Case
    Vote It Up

    Unfortunately I am no expert so have no idea on what is causing this!, I just dont want to be suspended from yet another hosting company!!

    It may sound painful, but this is the only way. You have to enable each plugin one by one, and look for the one which is using up a huge amount of resources. Sometimes, some plugins are the culprits, and this is all down to plugin’s author.

    I’m going to guess that the resource over use is caused by multiple plugins.

    The ones to take a hard look at are the ones that do stuff on the front page. For example, a plugin that generates a history of comments that uses unindexed queries is very bad (just an example). Actually, any query executed for every page that uses unindex queries is very bad.

    It might be possible to ask your provider to help you narrow down the search. Ask them if the problem is mysql related or something else.

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