• Really useful plugin. I am trying to display the ‘show more’ link inline with the previous content but it doesn’t seem to work when I add the CSS you suggested

    .sh-link A { display: inline; }

    This question was brought up in a previous thread and is supposedly resolved, however the solution is not posted there. How do you make the ‘show more’ link display inline with previous content?

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  • I have the same question, didn’t find a way to put it inline.

    Did it by adding the {display: inline;} to div#second-link-7708.sh-link.second-link.sh-hide and the above <p> container.

    But it would be nice to have an option to do that without messing with css.


    So how did you cover come this with CCS?

    Do you mean try adding div#second-link-7708 & second-link.sh-hide to the .sh-link P { display: inline; } (as a P container, and not A).


    sh-link P { display: inline;

    I’m afraid I can’t follow your post about what you mean / did.

    Many thanks

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Rainbow.

    So I have some text paragraph, which is then followed by the [showhide section].

    like this

    Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are different brands, sure, but the important difference between them is their molecular make up.
    [showhide type=”second” more_text=” (read more…)” less_text=”(show less…)”] Your HIDDEN TEXT [/showhide]

    And I’m applying the display:inline; to both the paragraph and the showhide link container (that long div).

    I’ve then managed to apply it to all the showhide links by

    div .sh-link, .sh-hide {
        display: inline;

    So now I’m just adding it to the <p> tag before the link.

    like this

    <p style=”display: inline;”>Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are different brands, sure, but the important difference between them is their molecular make up.</p>[showhide type=”second” more_text=” (read more…)” less_text=”(show less…)”] Your HIDDEN TEXT [/showhide]

    For some reason sometimes wordpress adds an empty <p></p> before the showhide container. Then try putting the opening showhide shortcode within the <p> tags.

    like here

    …difference between them is their molecular make up.[showhide type=”second” more_text=” (read more…)” less_text=”(show less…)”]</p> Your HIDDEN TEXT [/showhide]

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