Is there any documentation for this plugin, or must one examine the code?
Hi Jay,
I am sorry for the bi
We didn’t write a detailed documentation yet because actually seems that the plugin is so easy to use that it’s not really necessary.
Once you activated the plugin, you can deny or approve any user from the users page in wordpress dashboard or from single user page (still in wp dashboard). That’s all ??
Anyway if you have any more specific question, let me know ??
Hi Antonio,
Thanks for getting back to me. I have to tell you, your plugin is one of those “Love/Hate” situations.
I just love love love your plugin in that it works exactly the way it’s supposed to (and is advertised). And the plugin coding structure is outstanding. Many kudos to you.
However, I am pretty unhappy with the text provided in the many(!) messages displayed to the user. As far as I can tell, while the plugin appears to be coded for I18N support, there is no messages file delivered with the plugin. (Nor could I find any setup of the text domain in the constructor…perhaps I missed something?)
What this has caused me to do is go through the entire plugin code base to find all the messages. I do like (and seriously appreciate!) the fact that you have righteously provided hooks to all messages, making it easy for someone to provide alternate text, however…
I have to do that for each and every message you deliver with the plugin. And I don’t have to tell you… that’s a LOT of message hooks one has to write in order to fix the many typos and poor grammar in the vast majority of those messages. (Sorry, I have to be honest and blunt here about this.)
There are two straightforward options to solving this problem:
1) Allow me to send you alternate (English) text for all the messages, or
2) You provide the full external messages file allowing one to more easily change a large number of the messagesI would prefer option #1, since I don’t think it’s right for someone to have to create a messages file in order to more easily replace the default messages. An awful lot of people just don’t have those coding skills, nor the time needed to do that.
Again though, let me tell you, this is a great plugin. I can’t live without it.
Like I said… “Love/Hate” ??
Hi Jay,
I am really really sorry for the big delay again, I cannot understand why I don’t receive any notification on new messages when I should do. And no notification + Christmas lead to this delay. Really, I apologize, also if this is a free plugin our intentions is not make users wait 2 weeks for a message.
Said this, I carefully read your message and it has been really appreciated. I am sorry for the trouble caused by this, your are totally right. The original idea was to allows to change the strings by language file, or, in a future premium version, by options panel. The problem is that both premium version and language file have been too much postponed due to other work responsability.
We recently released a new version which contains the language file, but (due a misunderstanding with the rest of the team), the .pot file has been inserted but it isn’t loaded. I’ll do my best to fix this issue as soon as possible.
I am sure that at this moment you ahve already changed all the strings, and I apologize again for this. If there is anything else that I can do please let me know.
Hi Antonio,
No, as of this writing I have not yet replaced all the strings. Instead, I was waiting for your response. ??
If you don’t mind, please update the plugin as soon as possible to have the pot file loaded so that your users don’t have to hack on your plugin themselves.
Hi Jay,
This feature will be added to the plugin by the end of the week ??
If I can do anything else for your, please let me know ??
Outstanding, Antonio. I look forward to the update.
Hi Jay,
Seems that I did a big mistake there, becaues actually you can translate the plugin also with the current version.
You can create a new translation starting from the .po file placed in eonet-manual-user-approve/component-manual-user-approve/local or from the pot fiel uploaded here. Call the translation eonet-manual-user-approve-xx_XX and place it in wp-content/languages/plugins.
This should do the job ??
You wrote:
Call the translation eonet-manual-user-approve-xx_XX and place it in wp-content/languages/plugins.
directory?? None of my WP sites has awp-content/languages
directory, much less aplugins
directory below that. Are you sure this is the correct location for a modified .po file?Also, with all due respect, I must say this:
As I mentioned in an earlier message, a customer/client should not have to modified a messages (.po) file simply to fix bad grammar, typos and similar mistakes. The English text your provide with the plugin is simply lacking decent quality. Let me give you a couple of examples:
One of the most common and critical messages is the one that informs the viewer that the site is accessible to approved users only. Here is the text you ship with the plugin:
This site is accessible to approved users only. After registration, you have to wait for the approbation of the admin before obtain access.
Trust me, Antonio… 99% of Americans have never seen the word “approbation” before, and while the use of the word is indeed valid and quite concise, it is not at all consistent with “conversational” English. Additionally, the final clause of the last sentence is simply poor grammar that should read something similar to: “…of the admin before access can be obtained”, or perhaps “…of the admin before you can access the site.”
Another example is the text sent when the registration is completed:
Registration completed. An email has been sent to the admin, once he will approve your registration, you will receive your credentials.
I trust you see the incorrect grammar in this message, right?
Earlier I had offered to send you replacement text, but you never responded. My offer still stands.
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
Sorry, but I didn’t know about WP’s languages directory when I wrote that last message, but I am now up to speed on that capability.
My offer still stands. ??
Hi Jay,
Let me know if the translation works for you in this way or if you need any other help ??
About your offer, I am very sorry but I missed it, actually I cannot find it yet. Anyway of course I would be super happy to receive your corrected strings! I am sorry for the trouble, unfortunately english is the primary langauge of nobody in the team, so we did our best for the strings, but as you noted, seems that it isn’t enough. Once you will send me them (you can choose the format) I’ll fix them in the code of the plugin ??
I would like to translate your plugin into French, so I followed the recommendations you indicated.
I created with Poedit a .po file from the proposed .pot file, then an .mo file.
Then I put the two files in wp-content / languages / plugin
However, the translation is not taken into account.
Can you help me please?
thank you very much
Hello aurello77,
The folder is “plugins”, not “plugin”.
Oops, lack of typing, sorry.
I forgot the s but the files are well in the right place in the right folder.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
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