ok…i have the same question….my website worked perfectly one day and then the next day when i logged on, it is very very slow, if it loads at all, i have tried several other browsers, and called my hosting godaddy and their comment was
From our investigation, it appears your site is making a number of external connections. Specifically, we see the following connections:
– images-amazon.com
– googlesyndication.com
– forms.aweber.com
– ezinearticles.com
– s7.addthis.com
Please keep in mind that your site will not load completely until it has collected the data from these other sites. Additionally, if any of these other sites are slow, your site will also be slow due the connections established. To speed up your site, we recommend not making too many external connections. Instead, please consider loading all of the site data from your hosting account.
and so after many tries i finally got the dashboard to function enough to remove all of the mentioned items off of my website….
and it still is loading very very slow ir at all…
any suggestions where to go next…thanks