Not to stat the obvious, but you are going to either do one of two things:
1. Find a plugin that accomplishes this task for you or
2. Start hacking some of the core files till you get the result you want
I manage a WordPress site that my company will soon use as a Knowledge Base for our customers. I’ve had to manually edit a lot of stuff in order to get the approval of our Marketing and Legal departments (also known and the 6th and 7th circles of hell around here). It can be done. It’s very time consuming if you are just starting out with WordPress, and it could drive you to drinking and regretting you ever stated the project in the first place. However, it’s worth it in the end.
My recommendation is to try to find a suitable plugin for you situation from the area, because then you don’t have to worry about maintaining your own WordPress trunk that will get jacked up every time an update is released (because, let’s be honest, if you modify WordPress to do something it was not intended to do there is a cost). I was trying to accomplish this very thing, but was not able to use any plugins because they did not provide the “Look and Feel” the powers that be in my company wanted to have. But they are out there.