• This is the most useless plugin I have ever used. So many bugs, and so little funtionality. A clear money grab.

    This plugin does nothing special. I am sorry I bought it as I am sitting here entering 30 shows for a theatre website. Its a tedious job, and I thought a plugin would cut down on data entry time. I have been entering 200 tickets (many of which are recurring) for the last two days, and I still have 2 more days ahead of me.

    Please don’t waste your money. Just use a ticket service.

    I would get a refund if I could.

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  • Hi @deejayalex,

    My name is Geoff. I head up support here at Modern Tribe and wanted to reach out to you directly because this review really caught my attention.

    While it bums us out to see one-star reviews like this come in, we do appreciate them because they often raise issues and ideas that help us identify areas where we can improve the work we do.

    In that vein, I want to make sure I understand exactly what it is that sparked the negativity in this review. For one, The Events Calendar is a completely free plugin, so to call it a “waste” of money seems quite harsh and unfair given that we put this work out to the WordPress community at large at no cost. I’m also super confused how it can be seen as a “clear money grab” when we make no intrusive calls for money in the plugin or limit the usage of the plugin based on money. In other words, The Events Calendar is truly an open-sourced project that we provide freely for the benefit of WordPress users everywhere who are looking to add calendar functionality to a website.

    Is there something you are seeing in The Events Calendar that is different from what I am describing? My hunch is that you may have purchased our premium add-ons for The Events Calendar because those are the only plugins we charge for and they are meant for power users who need more advanced features in the calendar, such as additional calendar views and recurring events. If that is the case, I kindly request you update this review based on your experience using The Events Calendar since that is the product in question here on www.remarpro.com.

    Even if you have purchased our premium plugins, I want to point out that we offer what I consider to be a very generous refund policy that allows you to request your money back within 30 days of purchase. If you indeed are using our premium add-ons and are within that 30-day window, then I would highly encourage you to seek the refund you’re asking for:


    Please don’t waste your money. Just use a ticket service.

    To be completely clear: The Events Calendar is not a ticketing service nor is it advertised to be one. It is a solution for publishing events posts in WordPress and displaying them in a calendar format.

    We do offer a ticketing add-on for The Events Calendar called Event Tickets but that, too, is a free plugin that requires no money at all:


    Again, my hope here is to get a better understanding of your feedback here for the sake of us knowing where there is room for us to improve. On the surface, I can understand if you are using our Event Tickets plugin and do not like the ticket-entry process for it and have ideas for how it can be improved. In fact, we would love to hear your specific thoughts on how that process can be improved. However, that still has nothing to do with The Events Calendar and that would make this review better suited as a review (or perhaps a feature request) for Event Tickets instead of this plugin.

    Either way, it would be awesome if you could help clarify these points if you have the time and are willing. Like I said, we want reviews like this to be productive for helping move the ball in the right direction and getting a solid understanding of your feedback is the best way of making that happen.


    You just sent out a reply to the original poster, but somehow it got sent to my email address. I am not the original poster, and not sure why I got it. I did just post a potential bug issue, but did not post this.


    Ha! That is definitely odd, Shawn, and I’m sorry for the false ping. It does not appear that my reply referenced your WordPress handle and that your handle is different from the original poster, so I wonder if there is a crossed wire — or perhaps the original poster is using an incorrect email address since the account shows it was registered today.

    Either way, sorry for the mixup and I hope we can continue the conversation with the original poster. ??

    Cheers and have a great weekend!

    Thread Starter deejayalex


    I am using the $100 ticket pro plugin, thankfully I am not the one paying for it. At the bottom of each event that I enter, there is a rate the plugin. I assumed that was for what I purchased. I will not be paying for the added features on the event calendar plugin… as I have already paid $100 for this ticketing. I would take a refund on this plugin, however, I have spent so much time entering 200+ shows that I wont. I will however, make note of this for my future clients.

    If my client knew how labor intensive this is, he would gladly go through a ticket broker.

    live and learn I guess, but for $100 I would expect a little more functionality.

    Thread Starter deejayalex


    and I am using the correct email!

    Hi @deejayalex,

    Thanks for following up! However, I can hear quite a bit of frustration in your tone and that is understandable. I, too, would be frustrated if I had invested time and money into a system that did not return the results I was hoping for.

    At the same time, I want to re-clarify that The Events Calendar is not an booking system, nor is it advertised to be one. It still seems to me that this review is actually intended for another product or belongs in another forum because this plugin (The Events Calendar) neither requires payment nor boasts ticketing functionality.

    I am using the $100 ticket pro plugin, thankfully I am not the one paying for it.

    If you are using our Event Tickets Plus plugin in addition to The Events Calendar, then please do request a refund if you are no happy with it. As mentioned earlier, we offer a full refund on all our paid products within 30 days of purchase and would be happy to do right by you. We are not in the business of wasting other people’s money and certainly not into locking people into something that they does not work in their best interests. I hope you can at least agree with that and take us up on that offer.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Geoff Graham.
    Thread Starter deejayalex


    Thank you for your response.

    As I mentioned, I am not the one paying for this plugin, however I do have the task of managing it. The client saw this and assumed that this was for him/her. Most clients have no knowledge of how back end things work. They see a the plugin as an option without going into the details. I also feel $100 is a little steep for a product that is very limited. I know you are working on recurring events, had that option been available, perhaps I would not balk so much at the cost.

    The plugin for me should be convenient, but also should help me in reducing my work flow. If the client was paying by the hour, then it would be wise for them to pursue a ticketing broker, such as ticketweb. They have the recurring event. As a matter of fact, I have another client who recently purchased the modern tribe ticket pro plugin, and has asked me to change to ticketweb, which can be integrated into a website.

    here is example:

    I have entered 75% of the event, which hopefully once done, it will be the end of it. If this plugin does not deliver, I will ask for a refund.

    Again thank you!

    Hi @deejayalex,

    Thanks for following up! I really appreciate the links too. In fact, both calendars look great and you’ve done an awesome job theming them. ??

    The Events Calendar + Events Calendar PRO do the best job possible in trying to set things up for you and reduce the amount of effort it takes to create events. For example, recurring events allow you to create upwards of thousands of events simply by publishing one post. From there, you can edit any instance of a recurring event without it impacting the rest of the series.

    Similarly, the CSV importer that is included for free in The Events Calendar might be something worth looking into. That would allow you to upload all of your events, venues and organizers from a CSV file containing all of the data rather than having to go through the event editor for each and every event.

    However, what I think I’m seeing here is that you’re really looking for a booking plugin instead of a calendar. A booking plugin or service (like ticketweb) does sound much more fitting for you use case and unfortunately, The Events Calendar was never intended to be used as one. If you find that is the case and that the effort of trying to squeeze booking capabilities out of the our plugins is too great of an effort, then please do request a refund within the 30-day window of our refund policy and we’d be more than happy to process that for you.


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