Comments disappearing & notifications issue
Lately (I’ve noticed over the last 2-3 weeks) I’ve been having some funky issues with comments and notifications.
1) I’ll get an email notification showing a comment that is awaiting moderation, but when I click the link it says “invalid comment ID.” If I navigate to my dashboard, then comments, the comment I received an email notification about is nowhere to be found. I don’t see it in spam either. But I look back at the email, and it shows the user’s email address, IP, website, comment, and on what page they were commenting. And the comments were relevant to their posts so I know they weren’t attributed to the wrong posts.
2) Today I was doing administrative stuff in my dashboard. In between visits to the main dashboard, a bunch of reader comments disappeared. This may or may not have been concurrent with my updating to WordPress 4.7, can’t be sure. But I have comments going back a week or so that have disappeared.
3) Comments will appear on my site and I won’t get email notifications for them. Exact opposite problem that I was having in #1.
I’ve cleared my cache & internet history, I’ve logged out & logged back in. I am updated to latest version of WordPress. I don’t run many plugins and haven’t messed with them for a year or more. And I don’t know if this is relevant but I switched webhosts about six weeks ago. Website:
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