• Hi there!

    I am facing the “white screen of death” on my dashboard and am now receiving this error message.
    I’ve already contacted the web host and there’s no issue on their end; or with the theme.

    Context: I’d made some changes to the website, everything was working fine. I then clicked to update to WordPress 4.7 and the white screen of nothingness appeared. As of this morning, this error has appeared. It seems that there’s a conflict with the W3 Total Cache plugin.

    Help, please.

    With gratitude,


    Site: https://www.thriveintegratedhealth.com/wp-admin

    “W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /homepages/0/d496001857/htdocs/thriveintegratedhealth/wp-content/advanced-cache.php.W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /homepages/0/d496001857/htdocs/thriveintegratedhealth/wp-content/db.php.
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/0/d496001857/htdocs/thriveintegratedhealth/wp-content/advanced-cache.php:23) in /homepages/0/d496001857/htdocs/thriveintegratedhealth/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1179”

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  • Thread Starter gurpreetgill


    I’ve deleted the plugin via the host backend. But am still getting the error.

    I get that white screen as well… Got it when I installed the Facebook plugin. Everything is gone for me, can’t even see the plugins which means that I can’t unactivate them.

    Anyone that knows what to do… plz…

    If you can access WordPress installation directory (either via FTP or SSH or anything), just go to wp-content/plugins, find w3-total-cache folder and rename it to anything else, then this plugin will be disabled automatically. After the problem is fixed you can rename it back.

    Thread Starter gurpreetgill


    Hi Jamesits,

    I actually deleted the file via the host server — the tech support guy did.

    The same error remains though and nothing has changed.

    Other thoughts?

    Thread Starter gurpreetgill


    SO, update: I have access to my website’s backend again.

    It involved:
    — deleting all W3 Total Cache files; from the plugin list and there was a wtc3-config file under wp-content that we also deleted.
    — finally, there was a dp file, and an advanced cache file…

    Once deleted, I now have full access back.

    I am not sure if I’ll re-install W3 Cache as a plugin again — took 24 hours to resolve this issue. I’m curious if you were aware of the issue?

    Gratitude for you assistance, all the same!


    Same happened to me with the white screen, this helped me to get my Dashboard back:
    in the wp-admin folder (root) rename (or delete) the files
    – advanced-cache.php
    – db.php
    – object-cache.php

    In the plugins folder rename the folder w3-total-cache (temporarily, to make it inactive). After updating to WP 4.7 I could make W3 Total Cache active again.

    Had the same problem (white screen) after update to WP4.7. Web hosting uninstalled W3TC to solve my login problem. HOpe this gets fixed soon.

    Had the same white screen after updating to WordPress 4.7. Had to remove the plugin file & related caching files via file manager with my hosting company in order to regain access to my dashboard on WordPress. For someone who doesn’t code, this was not fun.

    I tried to upload the plugin again and it failed. I’ll have to look elsewhere for caching I guess it’s not compatible with the 4.7 update.

    I am reading lots of reports (on wordpress support) that it is W3 Total Cache that is the cause of the 500 server errors that prevent access to admin area after upgrading to 4.7. When I reinstalled a backup and then turned W3 Total Cache off (ie: disabled via plugins area) and then installed WordPress 4.7 again I got the exact same error. Does W3 Total Cache need to be totally deleted rather than just disabled?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by ross99.
    Thread Starter gurpreetgill


    I would suggest totally deleting W3TC — along with these files:

    In the wp-admin folder, rename or delete these files as well:
    – advanced-cache.php
    – db.php
    – object-cache.php

    I had to have my web host delete them from their end as even with access to the CPanel, I didn’t have the authorization to delete them myself.

    But, good news: I have my dashboard back!! Yayayayayay!!!

    If you guys want a working alternative, I’d recommend checking out Fix-W3TC. It may solve issues and even some you may not have been aware of too.

    For those interested:

    Wordpress 4.7 update causes white screen with fatal 500 internal server error for wp-login.php. Thus, you can not acces you’re site anymore, seeing this error is too late. Do not try anything else, is not a server, browser or theme related issue, it’s a bug.

    It can be wiped relatively simple, but only via FTP. So, having access through FTP, do the following, not necessarily in the following order:

    – download .htacces and wp-config.php

    – in .htacces delete everything what’s in between # BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache and # END W3TC Skip 404 error handling by WordPress for static files. It must remain only :

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    – save .htacces and upload it

    – in wp-config.php delete the following lines:

    /** Enable W3 Total Cache */
    define(‘WP_CACHE’, true); // Added by W3 Total Cache

    – save wp-config.php and upload it

    – In /wp-content/ directory delete : cache, w3tc-config, advanced-cache.php, db.php, object-cache.php

    – In /wp-content/plugins directory delete w3-total-cache

    Now you must have acces again in dashboard. Update to WP 4.7, update everything you have, than install again w3tc. And that’s it… you must do the settins again…

    I see W3 Total Cache issued an updated version of their plugin yesterday. They never mentioned this major problem in the notes about the fixes (unhelpfully of them). Did that update fix this ‘server 500 for login area’ issue?

    Ok, I just tested the wordpress 4.7 upgrade with the new version of W3 Total Cache. The error still occurs and problem has not been solved. W3 Total Cache please could you do an update to correct this issue?

    Thanks @djdaniel, your tip saved my site. ??

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