• Hi,

    This post is actually about two things:
    1. To get a review and QA of a proposed solution to a problem in WP
    2. Get some advices how to proceed with this so it may be corrected in the WP core

    I’ve ran into problem using one of the shortcodes and operator ‘AND’ in WooCommerce/WordPress. This is questioned by others several times before but it seems like the core of the problem is not solved. I’ve worked with the issue on WP 4.6.1 installation and come to what I believe is a solution.

    Using shortcode to retrieve a filtered product list and filtering on two or more product categories using operator “AND” fails when using one or more non-leaf (i.e. parent) product categories. There also seemed to be a problem when using more than two leaf keywords.

    Other reports on the issue:

    [product_category category=”ParentCatA, LeafCatB” operator=”AND”] => Fails
    [product_category category=”LeafCatA, LeafCatB” operator=”AND”] => Ok

    There is no individual and complete hierarchial evaluation of the each product category keyword specified in the shortcode.

    Solution that worked for me:
    The issue is found in the WP-core file class-wp-tax-query.php. I’ve modified three functions to correct the issue. My solution is running on a live website now but it lives in the danger of being overwritten by a new WP-version.

    class WP_Tax_Query
    function get_sql_for_clause – code
    function clean_query – input params and code
    function transform_query – input params and code

    You find the modified code with my comments here (tagged with // BF): https://gist.github.com/Nettsidespesialisten/5d4596e18dced3c7d97501f195ffe02e

    Any input on the proposed code itself or to the process of getting the correction into the WP core is appreciated.

    – Brede

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