• https://cheungjackson.wordpress.com

    Hi. Currently I have my about page set to homepage and as a static front page. I can’t access any of my posts on my website. I only have two pages, about and contact. Would I need to add a page such as ‘posts’? I’m too sure where I can add a page or how to proceed to link it to my posts. My priority is finding out how to make my posts visible on my site, can someone give me help?

    Ideally I want to have a static front page that can scroll down to my posts. Is this possible with Cubic?

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  • I am having the same exact problem with mine https://sugarlandart.com

    If you have a Static Front Page set, you can display your blog posts on a secondary page.

    First, create a new page (Pages > Add New) in your dashboard. Name the new page ‘Blog’ or ‘Posts’ – anything you like. Leave the page blank, all it needs is a title.

    Once the page is published, open Settings > Reading and select the new page as your ‘Posts’ page.

    If it doesn’t appear in the navigation bar automatically, you can add the new page to your site’s menu under Appearance > Menus

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    jcccheungly – I noticed your site is hosted on WordPress.com and just wanted to mention that these forums are for folks running the WordPress software on their own hosting. If you need further help with your theme on WordPress.com, feel free to post in the themes forum here:

    Here are some tips on getting help in the WordPress.com forums: https://en.support.wordpress.com/getting-help-in-the-forums/

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