• Resolved dotoddity


    Love this carousel plugin that’s integrated with the Foo Gallery but unfortunately it doesn’t seems to work after last update. It will not show on the frontpage anymore. Actually it broke when updating the Carousel plugin, what happened? Thanks for any tip!

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  • Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Hi there, sorry to hear that. Can you provide the following for me?

    1) Just go into the gallery and resave it
    2) Provide a link to your site so I can see the problem live
    3) Confirm you are on the latest version of FooGallery (version 1.2.15)


    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Just following up, would love to help you out if you’re still needing support.

    Hey Matt,

    Not to hijack this thread, but I’m having the exact same issues since upgrading the carousel template, on my home page, with the carousel suddenly not showing up any more. I have some input.

    Console Error:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: fadeOut is not defined(…)

    This is coming from the initialization script injected into the page.
    animateOut: fadeOut, <====== Here ===================
    animateIn: fadeIn,
    items: 1,
    nav: true,
    margin: 0,
    autoplay: false,
    autoplaySpeed: 4000,
    navSpeed: 1250,
    navText: [‘prev’, ‘next’],
    autoplayHoverPause: true,
    lazyLoad: 1,
    autoWidth: 0,
    URLhashListener: false,
    startPosition: ‘URLHash’,
    dots: true,
    responsiveClass: true,
    items: 1,
    items: 1,
    items: 1,


    Unfortunately this is still on a staging server behind a firewall. Let me know if I can provide any more input.



    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    I’d really need to see it live to understand better what’s going on. Particularly if it’s a staging site, I’d love to see the problem live.

    I have the same problem

    ReferenceError: zoomOutLeft is not defined

    And some galleries have problems with chrome: https://archivoorotava.es/blog/2016/05/27/acercandose-a-la-historia-de-la-orotava/


    Hi I’m having the same problem. With the last update all the owl carousel galleries stopped working. It actually took me forever to figure it out. I switched to a responsive image gallery and they work fine. Let me know what you need and I’d be happy to send you the info to access my site and try to figure it out.
    My website is https://www.rivercottagefarm.net. I had an owl carousel gallery on every page and I changed the front page as mentioned above so you can see what the gallery should look like on each page.

    I am using Chrome but I’ve also tried it on other browsers and they just don’t show up there either.

    Thanks a million


    Any insight on this yet? My site won’t be available on a live server for about a week, but you’ve had input from several people who do have live sites.


    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    HI @debbieapple and @mhair

    Can you reach out to me via my personal site: https://www.mattcromwell.com/hi-im-matt/contact-me/ Choose “General Contact” as the nature of your inquiry.


    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Hi all, I just pushed out version 1.4.1 which resolves this issue. Thanks for your patience. Let me know if you have any other trouble.

    Awesome Matt! Thanks very much for making this happen, it solved my problem!!!

    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Hi @mhair so glad to hear.

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