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  • Hey Donovan, Thanks for the feedback on my site.

    I have put some of your comments and changed a few things. I still need to work on the footer and Im going to get rid of the red in the header.

    Thanks again,


    Mercy is for the weak ??

    Ok, first up – typography. I think it needs some work. So far I’ve seen: Times Roman, Gill Sans, Verdana, Arial. The modern fonts feel out of place in what really seems like a hand-crafted homemade feel I get from the rest of the design. The creases in the paper, the wallpaper background, the earth tones, then we get Gill, Airal, and Verdana. It feels uncomfortable to me. If you’re going hand-crafted, keep going with it, and lets use some serif fonts.

    The Typographic heierarchy of the Headline text is off as well I think. Verdana’s strength lies in it’s high readability on systems that don’t alias fonts, like Windows XP. I think you could find a better choice for the headline text. But back to hierarchy, it feels like it’s slipping down and not dominating the body text enough. Websites are best when they’re skimmable, and having a clear distinction between *THIS IS HEADLINE* and <this is content> really helps with that. It makes reading the site easy breezy.

    Photos! These photos are great. Your sister has a great smile. My only thought is perhaps these could be displayed in some kind of a slideshow or thumbnails, or both. You could fit more posts on the page, make it easier to skim.

    I’d remove the Welcome / Posts / Tags section at the top, or move it to a less important area than top and center. Unlike most sites, I don’t really think you need a tagline, “Donovan Brock Photography” sums it up pretty well. I know what this site is about. So the welcome message is kind of redundant. I feel “Latest Posts” is redundant as well, since I’m already looking at the latest posts. Although, if the posts continue to be so tall, maybe that would help with the skim-ability.

    Thats about it I think. There’s the start of a good design in here. I just think you need to sit down and clean up the tone here.

    – Andrew

    Andrew is right about most of what he says, above, however, i think the site looks pretty cruisy as it is. Photos and all that look great, i always like lots of images on sites, they add colour and flavour to the page.
    While I am not a design expert, I’d say that you’ve got a good thing going here. Well done!

    Rodney T
    [sig moderated]

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