• When I go to pages, the far right column of the theme (the widget column) gets pushed down to the bottom of the page. Any suggestions? I’ve noticed when I go to pages, it looks like width of the blog narrows.

    Is this because there isn’t a wrapper listed in the CSS?, I’m no coding expert.

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  • we cannot really answer style questions without seeing what you talking about.



    Similar issues with the second sidebar slipping to the footer – I too use the xMark theme (v2.5) by Lisa Sabin-Wilson.

    This only effects static PAGES, not posts.

    See https://chrismerriman.com/about/ or any of the other pages.

    The author’s site also displays the same problem (see https://blogdesignsolutions.com/useronline/ as an example).

    Let me know if I need to provide more info.



    oops, just noticed how old this thread is, should I have started a new one? I’ll wait a week or so, and if no answers, start a new one.

    The described problem (3rd column dropping to bottom of screen when viewing PAGES but not POSTS) is apparently real.

    I’ve been trying to tweak the CSS to fix it, but so far no luck.

    Anybody else have success in addressing this?

    The author is aware and apparently working on an updated/fixed theme.

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