Oops, somehow my previous link to the Total support forum didn’t work. Their www.remarpro.com support page is right here. The theme authors also have their own support page for the Total theme here. I don’t know if this is just for their premium members or not, you can try signing up for an account.
You can post any type of question related to the theme on the theme’s WordPress support page. Some theme authors won’t answer questions about customizing the theme (especially if they offer a premium version) and will only answer questions concerning possible bugs or enhancements. And with some themes, the author doesn’t answer any support questions at all on the WP support page and will only answer questions on their own support page. Usually you can scroll through the support questions to get an idea as to the level of support a theme author will give, but I see that this is a very new theme (first released back in August), so hard to say what their support will be like.
Sometimes, though, even if the theme author doesn’t respond to a question, there might be someone else browsing through the support questions (like myself) who can help you (depending upon how difficult the question is). And if you have a general WordPress question, you can always post it on the general WordPress support forum and not the theme’s support page.