• Hi, I see this is great to allow ALL viewers to attach an image when posting. However, what I am trying to is limit this to selected people only. I would like all people to be able to post, yes.
    But………..I need to qualify the people that can and will have permission to include photos?
    Does anyone have an idea? I am new to WP. My first thought was to allow this function to only
    “contributors”. Or…..my second thought was to use a PAY PAL app and ask for $1 from viewers in order
    to allow them the post photos..(Not sure how I can do this with this plug in we are discussing)

    Any ideas? Thoughts, suggestions, etc?

    There is a woocommerce plugin that bills people to upload but it looks a little more difficult than
    the aforementioned ‘comment image’ and pay pal plugins? Thank you!

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