• I still rely on a git workflow for dev/production deployments, but wp-staging has proven to be extremely useful when it comes to client managed projects. Most of the folks I may build a site out for have no clue what a git workflow is and boy, do they LOVE installing random plugins without testing first. So when the inevitable plugin conflict occurs & the site breaks, panic ensues.

    So I’ve started including wp-staging when handing off finished projects to clients and letting them know to simply use the 1 click staging feature to test any new plugins or custom functions they want to add before installing on their live sites.

    One additional note. I’ve seen alot of people request a dev to production migration function; Personally, I don’t think that’s a good idea. In it’s current forum, the plugin provides a pretty much fool proof method of testing/debugging that prevents the average user from causing any type of harm to their live site. When we get into the realm of deployment from dev to production, that’s when things can get sticky for someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

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