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  • Prasad Nevase


    I tried following CSS in web inspector and it worked fine. The result looks like this. Please give it a try:

    .cell {
        min-height: 350px;
    .product {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 20px;
        left: 15px;
        right: 15px;
    Thread Starter dezinezone


    Than you That ddin’t work It pushed everything up on top of the title area and wouldn’t allow to scroll to the op any more

    Thread Starter dezinezone


    Any image that is landscape will be the same size but I need any landscape image to be even at the bottom not the top

    Thread Starter dezinezone


    I’ve tried to find a remedy for this using firebug with no avail. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

    Prasad Nevase


    Please see this screencast. The code I suggested is working fine. May be it will be more clear after viewing the screencast.

    Thread Starter dezinezone


    Thank you When adding your code to custom css this is the result I get. Please view the screenshot here

    Prasad Nevase


    Could you leave the CSS there on the site and let me know? I will be around for another 15-20 minutes and can do a quick check.

    Prasad Nevase


    My bad! The css class should have been .wf-cell and not .cell. Sorry for that. Please refer below corrected css code. This shall give you intended result.

    .wf-cell {
        min-height: 350px;
    .product {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 20px;
        left: 15px;
        right: 15px;
    Thread Starter dezinezone


    Perfect Prasad That did it Thank you very much for your help. You are a lifesaver

    Prasad Nevase


    Glad that I could help. Keep going ??

    Thread Starter dezinezone


    OK Well this didn’t work out as well as I thought it was. If you actually click on a product now the product is gone and all you can see is the matching products It pushed everything up.

    Prasad Nevase


    Please change the css code I provided. Change .product to body.archive .product. That shall fix it.

    Thread Starter dezinezone


    Thank you very much That worked I din
    t know why I’m not seeing this in firebug What editor are you using?

    Prasad Nevase


    Great. I use Chrome browser and its web developer toolbar. Check this for more help on the same.

    Thread Starter dezinezone


    I don’t want to be a pain but I am looking at this page and wondering if there is another way to align this. It it can’t be that is fine but I am looking to try to make this align the bottom of the images independent of the bottom text. If there is an extra line of text(3) it pushes the imag up and it overlaaps the row above. This is an example of what I want it to do

    You will notice the image bottoms are all aligned but the text is independent.
    Thank you for any help

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