• WONDERFUL PLUGIN but needs much better documentation / instructions
    I am a WP developer and teacher with about 5 years experience
    Before discovering All-In-One, I used the Duplicator plugin …
    and was grateful that Cory (the developer) had created it
    (because it saved me DAYS of work) and it worked most
    of the time. But the problem with the Duplicator was that it
    required too much thought… it was easy to make a mistake,
    and my brain would always hurt when I finished using it.
    The up-side of the Duplicator was how good the documentation was.

    About a year ago I bumped into All-In-One WP Migration, and have used it ever since.
    It is a totally WONDERFUL plugin… it requres very little thinking and has only failed
    once; Even then I found out how to fix the problem by searching Google for about 30 minutes.
    My brain doesn’t hurt any more when I do migrations.

    Only trouble… when I give this plug-in to my students, they always get stuck on
    the Backup and Export Dialog.

    a. They have trouble figuring out if they should use
    Backup (which, in truth, is only good for the smallest of sites)
    I tell them to always use EXPORT

    b. They get totally confused by the EXPORT->ADD MORE dialog
    because they aren’t told, in the documentation that most of the time
    All-In-One will resolve their db / url problems automatically…

    c. On the odd occasion when All-In-One can’t resolve db/url differences,
    my students freak-out because they have no idea what to enter into the Add More dialog.

    d. My students get stuck on EXPORT->OPTIONS

    – They become hesitant to continue because they don’t know if
    the size of their upload folder will push the export file past
    the max filesize limit

    – They also get stuck on the poor wording of the check/no check boxes,
    because they can’t figure out if a check mark means
    [YES, DO IT] or [YES, DON’T DO IT] or [NO, DON’T DO IT] or [NO, DO IT]

    – They Have trouble understanding what to do about changing/not changing emails.

    to summarize, every time my students have to use the All-In-One WP Migration plugin,
    I also have to provide them with my own set of instructions. I would gladly give
    my instructions for free to the All-In-One developers.

    So… Thank you, All-In-One, developers for the WONDERFUL plugin…
    But… would you please make my teaching life easier by:
    1. Gathering all the documentation (including videos) in ONE EASY TO FIND PLACE
    (I’d be happy to send you mine)
    3. Providing an on-screen an explaination of the email option (or better yet, context help
    for all the Export options)
    5. Getting rid of the check boxes on the EXPORT screen, and replacing the options
    with YES / NO questions

    Sorry if this seems overly critical. I’m really very very grateful to you folks
    for providing this plugin.

    Balthazar Mondragon

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