• Hi. I am having an issue with variable product translations. It’s almost working correctly but there are a few things I need help with.

    Here is what I did. I have my site set up in 2 languages. English (default) and Portuguese.

    1.I created a product attribute and set it to select terms.
    2.I translated the attribute name.
    3. I created the default language terms for the attribute. Added the name and description.
    4. I translated the terms into the second language.
    5. Then I go to products and create a variable product.
    6. Select the attribute and select all terms. save.
    7. Go to variations create and configure variations from all terms.
    8. I choose a default variation. save. publish the product.
    9. Create the translated product and Publish.

    I have two problems:

    The term descriptions entered in attributes > terms don’t show up when I select the variations from the product page.
    I know it says: “The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.” I I could change some code to show this somehow, it would already solve this issue.

    When I put a variation description in the product editor, it will show up just like I want, when I select a product variation , but I am not able to translate this!
    It will show only in one language on both portuguese and english product pages.
    Is there a way of translating this product variation description?

    I can’t select a default variation in the translated product page. Only in the default language.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by mguderle.
Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • Regarding B., if you want different default variations across languages, you need to go to the plugin settings, and in the Metas List un-tick “Default Attributes”. Save and afterwards, you should be able to select different defaults across languages as they will not be synchronized.

    Regarding A, I can check whether I can make the synchronization of the variation description optional. – a similar mechanism like for the default attributes in point B.
    I will try to find time over the weekend to check it.

    Would be great! I am struggaling with the some problem.

    Good evening !
    As you progress
    We hope very much to rectify this
    Thank you

    I have implemented the following fix: When a new translation of a variable product is created, the variation descriptions are copied over to the translation (as before). However, now is possible to edit/change the variation description. The description will not be overwritten when you Save/Update your product.

    I have tested in my staging environment. Can I ask you to install the plugin and help testing it? The plugin can be found here https://github.com/hyyan/woo-poly-integration/archive/variation_description.zip
    Please don’t install this in a production environment. Only use it in your test environment.

    If I get positive feedback from you guy and after further testing, I wiill push a request to Hyyan to add this to the next release.

    By the way, this version has several other fixes:

    – Fixed PHP notice due to Polylang deprecated functions
    – Fixed WordPress database error in reports page
    – Fixed missing argument warning in order detailspage and emails
    – Fixed strpos() empty needle warning for empty endpoints
    – Fixed removing email instructions from 3rd party payment gateways
    – Fixed not detecting whether polylang pro is active
    – Fixed PHP notice in Reports when products don’t have translations
    – Fix variation description couldnt be translated
    – Fix variable product default attributes not synced

    Thread Starter mguderle


    Thank’s a lot. I will test it as soon as possible.

    I’m having the same problem as B above, namely that I can not set the dafault variation in the second language. (I have followed the advice to un-tick “Default Attributes”).

    There is a fix ready for this issue here.

    If you can’t wait for the new version to be released you can download it from here and install it manually.

    Hello, I have an issue. Latest wordpress and woocommerce. I have a product with 3 attributes and I generate variables from them. In the first language they appear correct, 48 variations between size-color-fabric, like this: 48-black-cotton, 48-blue-cotton, 50-black-cotton, 50-blue-cotton… On the translated page they all appear wrong, like this: 48-any color-any fabric, 48-any color-any fabric, 50-any color-any fabric and so on, the all are with any color, any fabric, instead of the color and fabric. The first language variations can be modified, but on the second language they are all greyed out,locked.I have tried with un-tick “Default Attributes” and it doesn’t help. I have downloaded your latest version and install it manually and no fix. Do you have any idea how to fix this?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by valyb.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by valyb.

    Variations do not synchronize when they are changed or deleted, they still remain on the second language and are added each time a modification is made.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by valyb.

    Hello and thank you for your amazing plugin! I am facing the same problem. I have a multilangual site (english and greek ). The default language is english. I have created products . When i try to add variable and attributes i works. But when i am on a greek product the variable and attributes can’t be selected. I uncheck the default attributes but with no luck ?? . I also translated the attributes and the variable with polylang (but the variable it is showed in english when i now create the product, if it is already created i can’t choose attributes). Can you please help me?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Alex4842.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Alex4842.
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