The white screen I strongly suspect is due to the size of the file. I imported 20 rows from the first file without any issues. However, many things can cause a white screen, and only turning on debug and error reporting can really show you what is happening. If that still gives you a white page, then there may be some clues in the web server error logs.
Every post needs a minimum of a title and some body content. Those are the fields headed csv_post_title
and csv_post_post
, so those two columns are always needed for an import of new posts. The main documentation for that is here:
If you don’t think it is clear enough, I’ll update the docs to be included in the next version.
There are other, more sophisticated (and often premium) importers that allow you to map source columns to destinations in WP through the import GUI. This plugin is a lot simpler – you do that mapping in the CSV file, so either rename a couple of column headers, or create two new columns and populate them yourself with whatever you want – maybe a concatenation of several other columns that would help when searching for specific posts.