• Resolved Diablo2


    Hey guys,
    Im using your plugin to display two very different things (a separate page for both).

    So I just crated a second page, but i can’t figure out how to add the list of categories and search field, like the screenshot below shows:

    1: The above screenshot shows all categories (and search form) on my older (default) page without issues. Is it possible to show this on more than one page at the same time?

    2:: Also, on the new page, im only looking to show certain categories (different from the ones on the other page).

    If this is impossible, would you guys consider adding this option in the near future? I really, really need it. Perhaps with a new shortcode.


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  • Plugin Author Business Directory Plugin


    Hi Diablo2,

    We do plan to add a separate shortcode to display JUST the search panel you see at the top. That’s something on the list already. We just revamped the top search bar recently, so we’re shaking out minor bugs there and working on some fee and category changes.

    We can definitely consider adding these in the near future. I think they’re useful too.

    Thread Starter Diablo2


    That would be fantastic!
    Not just adding a search field but rather the entire category listings altogether. Thanks a lot, looking forward to future updates. Enjoy your day!

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