Thank you Predrag for your kind reply. I think my problem is that I have a wrong understanding of what Popup can do and what not. It might simply be the wrong plugin for my purposes.
I want to have a popup window where subscribers can fill in a field with their email and then push the submit button and then their address is sent to my Mailchimp list.
I understand that the button only leads to a page where they can then so what I want them to do, but I want them to subscribe directly.
I have Mailchimp for WP installed but that doesn’t do the job either. Their suggested form is so very ugly that I simply can’t force myself to use it. And paying $29 month is totally oversized for my kind of business. I know how to add the suggested popup from Mailchimp to my site, but this is far too “aggressive” for my typical clients with popping up after 3 seconds and no way to prolong it . This way I will loose subscribers, rather than win them…. They need to have a chance to read first before getting hit by a popup window.
So, the kind of window you offer is absolutely perfect, it looks great, works well but as mentioned obviously isn’t the right thing for me.
Right now I have the Jetpack widget on my blog page for subscriptions and that works fine but I want the subscribers in mailchimp that I can send out a newsletter at a later point. Maybe you can recommend a working and well designed alternative for my purposes? Thank you!