Hm, sounds a little out of scope for this plugin, but you can totally make that work with a little bit of custom javascript in your theme.
You page would include the shortcode for both pages. Example:
[insert page='your-first-page' display='all' class='custom-class-for-first-page']
[insert page='your-second-page' display='all' class='custom-class-for-second-page']
And the javascript would look something like the following, assuming you’ve defined a custom function called getParameterByName()
to get your querystring value (let’s assume it’s show_page=first or show_page=second):
if ( getParameterByName( 'show_page' ) === 'first' ) {
$( '.custom-class-for-first-page ).show();
$( '.custom-class-for-second-page ).hide();
} else if ( getParameterByName( 'show_page' ) === 'second' ) {
$( '.custom-class-for-first-page ).hide();
$( '.custom-class-for-second-page ).show();