• Hello to all. I have begun to blog daily (at least) and am enjoying the freedom with the new app for the iPhone.


    I use this blog to keep friends and family, and hopefully new friends – up to date and as well as the happenings of a deployed sailor back on active duty. I tie in current events and random nothings every now and then. Also, my interests, so it is iLife During Duty.

    I want it to be enjoyable as well as easy to read. If you get sometime, take a look. Suggestion on the side bar, thoughts on anything – you name – no limits. I appreciate this opportunity to request your time, and thank you in advance. I look forward to improving.

    Take care – NavyTim

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  • Hi Tim

    Thank you for your service to this country. My daughter and I are sort of Military groupies. I have two sons in the Navy. Tony is getting ready to deploy on the USS Eisenhower to the Persian Gulf, and Dustin is in Lagos, Africa now with the State Department Diplomatic Security Service. Dustin is a Seabee and spent a year in Iraq working with the Marines doing convoy security in Nov 2004 when they went into Falujah.

    My daughter wrote a song “Hero” her band performed it at the Mt Tabor Legacy on July 4th. It is the most military honoring song I have ever heard. I think you might like it. You can go to Military.com “Shock and Awe” and put hero in the search. or go to their website https://www.forbiddensymphony.com click on the hero button. The pictures on that site are of her brothers.

    Again thank you for your service to this country, and tell your friends we said thank you too.

    Sally Dutcher
    proud Navy Mom

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