• First off, fantastic plug-in! Thank you so much for the work on this.

    I’m using Woocommerce 2.6.4. Here is my issue:

    I’ve got a bunch of products on my website that are single purchase items (they’ll only ever have 1 in stock and once it’s sold, it’s gone). I’ve noticed that it is possible to get the plug-in into a confused state when multiple test users try adding and removing the item to the cart such that, once the item is out of all user’s carts, it still says “This item is not available at this time due to pending orders.” Interestingly, when it gets in this state, no countdown timer is shown (even though it normally shows up) and coming back an hour later (past when I set the items to expire automatically from carts) the message still shows up. And no one else has access to the site at the moment, so I know it’s not in another user’s cart.

    Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot? Is there a database or file I can delete to clear the “Virtual Inventory” for all the products?

    Thanks very much!

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  • Plugin Author James Golovich


    I have not experienced that issue yet, when I have a chance I’ll see if I can troubleshoot it. If you can give me exact steps to reproduce it that would help.

    All of the information is stored in the normal WooCommerce cart, so just by clearing all of the carts through the WooCommerce tools page should bring it back to normal.




    I have the same problem. My client sells unique items, so I have ‘sold individually’ checked and stock is limited to 1 piece.

    The ‘This item is not available at this time due to pending orders’ shows up on every product and no countdown timer is shown.

    What could be the issue?

    Plugin Author James Golovich


    I’m not able to reproduce this issue at all. In almost all cases this type of issue is caused by items that were in carts before this plugin was activated. Clear the WooCommerce sessions, check again, and please report back.

    WooCommerce->System Status->Tools->Customer Sessions “Clear all sessions” button

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