All things equal from the start after one installs Ultimate Member in WordPress and assuming that you actually have in Ultimate Members > User Roles, a user role called “YES” (I don’t know why you would want to do it that way, btw) then you must have created in your UM default registration form a radio button to allow users to choose that ‘YES’ user role, correct?
The resulting code that is showing in the user registration form (front end) is:
<div class="um-field um-field-join_member um-field-radio" data-key="join_member">
The code that would allow choosing a user role should be:
<div class="um-field um-field-join_member um-field-radio" data-key="role_radio">
In addition, the button in your registration form has a “join_member” for name:
<input type="radio" name="join_member[]" value="Yes">
It should be
<input type="radio" name="role" value="Yes">
So as you can see the form is not allowing users to select user roles and that’s where the problem lies. I would start from scratch and certainly dump that ‘Yes or No’ idea…
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by