Hide Mobile ads
Hello, first thank you for your excellent plugin!
I was wondering if you could possible add one option to the next update.
I would like to be able to “hide” certain ads. I checked on the official Google Adsense page and it is allowable to hide “Asynchronous” (responsive) ads on mobile but not “Synchronous” ads.(from Google Adsense)
The official support site of Google says that it allows publishers to modify the Ad by hiding it using CSS3 Media queries for responsive Ad units (asynchronous) only but it disallows it for synchronous ads. Here is the block quote for verification:
Here are some techniques you’ll want to avoid:
Hiding ad units at anytime (e.g., display:none), unless you’re implementing a responsive ad unit.
Implementing AdSense ad code in a way that covers content
Using any means to force the display of more than three AdSense ad units on a page
Manipulating the ad targeting using hidden keywords, IFRAMEs, or any other method
Distributing ads in emails or software
Floating ads or units that slide to attract unwarranted attention
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