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  • Hi mehdijabin,
    Can you post url of your website, it would be easier to see and try to resolve issue. Otherwise I would have to install your theme on my server.

    hello and thank you.
    this is my home page that i want delete header only in this page.
    thank you

    Hi Mehdijabin,
    my big apology for my delay. I had family issues and was not able to get to computer.
    I took a look to you website and need to know what do you need to hide?
    Is it logo on TOP right corner?
    Is it type animated text?
    Or is it that text beneath: Only the administrative center and research projects in the modulation of weather and increased rainfall in the country

    I had hard time to translate the site to english. I do not speak Persian. ??
    Im not sure what you need to tweak.
    Generally spoken:
    When you need hide something or do anything only on chosen page, you need to use page-ID class. In your case, homepage has classess .home and .page-id-74

    So let say, if you want to hide text beneath the animated text

    then you would:
    put this code to your Child Theme style.css file
    Install Simple Custom CSS plugin and put the code there.
    I’m doing this on my browser to find solution.
    It can get to some different behavior on your site.
    It can happen that it is not working.
    Then we have to look further.

    .home,.page-id-74.wpb_text_column.wpb_content_element {
        display: none;
    .home,.page-id-74.wpb_text_column.wpb_content_element {
        display: none!important;

    Hope We will get some progress.

    hello and thank you for your answers.
    if you see this photo :
    you can find out the place that i want to delete from this page.
    in this page users can select the language and therefor it shouldn’t have header !!!!!
    i hope that everything goes ok for you.
    beest regards.

    Hi mehdijabin,
    perfect job, that screen shot. Thanks

    put this code to your Child Theme style.css file
    Install Simple Custom CSS plugin and put the code there.
    I’m doing this on my browser to find solution.
    It can get to some different behavior on your site.
    It can happen that it is not working.
    Then we have to look further.

    .page-id-74 header.header-bar {
        display: none!important;

    Hope this will be helpful.
    It is working here in Chrome development tools.
    I cannot check if it is just for this page, because I do not have installed your theme on my server.
    NOTE: Your page as a whole is not funcioning perfectly. The theme looks like overloaded and it is scattering. Im not at home, being in the spa now and the connection to the internet is not 100%. It can be case. But you should count on with purrer bandwith.
    Do you have all the pixies – the size that is just right for websites?
    Optimize your images with a perfect balance in quality and file size.
    There is great site for changing of the size of the pixs. Tiny-PNG

    hello. It works . thank you really.
    thank you . thank you ??
    can i have your email address ? ??

    Im happy that it worked just from the start.
    If you need any heelp, let me know.

    hello and how are you ?
    I have a issue by edd feature image in top of my downlaod pages.
    the page link is :
    how i can hide this ??

    Hi mehdijabin,
    can you create screenshot and mark up what you want to hide?
    Im not sure of your quest

    Hi mehdijabin,
    put this code to your Child Theme style.css file
    Install Simple Custom CSS plugin and put the code there.
    I’m doing this on my browser to find solution.
    It can get to some different behavior on your site.
    It can happen that ?it is not working.
    Then we have to look further. {
        display: none;
    or {
        display: none!important;

    Worked here, see screenshot
    Hope it will do what you need

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Tahoerock.

    hello and thank you.
    i have another question.
    in my posts i have , tags and author but in donwloads haven’t !
    downloads page create by easy digital download.
    screanshot :
    post page:
    download page:
    you see downloads dont have tag and author !
    how i can add these item to downloads pages!

    Im trying to figure out it for you, but I will not be much helpful in this.
    It look like there is problem with theme you are using and EDD compatibility.
    I have found this:

    Product Tags and Categories not Displayed
    You need to be registred to see it all

    Template Files for Download Product Pages


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