• After enabling Edit Flow, I cannot add or even see current status, groups users:

    Adding a status:

    Could not add status: A name is required for this term.


    Get similar “cannot” messages for users and groups.


    Could not add status: A name is required for this term.

    Debugging So Far
    I’ve turned off all plugins and get the same result.

    Note that the site did have edit flow at some point in history but was removed. The site was imported into a new database using WP Import feature via the WP CLI.

    I’ve dug through a SQL dump and could not find prior references to Edit Flow, so do not see prior EF references.

    Any help or insights appreciated.

    PHP 5.6
    Apache 2.4
    MySQL 5.6

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by jeffatrackaid.
Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Hrm. What version of Edit Flow are you using now? You mentioned you turned off all plugins, did you also test by reverting your theme to the default WordPress TwentySixteen theme?

    I’ve dug through a SQL dump and could not find prior references to Edit Flow, so do not see prior EF references.

    Just to cover all bases, Edit Flow options are prefixed with edit_flow_. Do any keys with that prefix exist in the options table?

    Also, Edit Flow uses taxonomy to store information about custom statuses under the key post_status. Does that taxonomy currently exist in the database?

    Thread Starter jeffatrackaid


    We now have this working. Your hint about the taxonomy items helped us find the issue and it was unrelated to the plugin.

    The theme had a special function to prevent non-admins from adding tags. Due to how it was written, it was also preventing Edit Flow from updating taxonomy.

    Once we removed that function, the plugin worked as expected.

    While this was custom code, I suspect similar plugins could have the same conflict.

    Usage Note/Question:
    During testing, we created a single custom status. Once created, we could not delete the status as it was listed as Default. There was no delete option provided.

    Is this correct behavior?

    We removed it manually in the database.

    The theme had a special function to prevent non-admins from adding tags. Due to how it was written, it was also preventing Edit Flow from updating taxonomy.

    Funky. Do you mind me asking what the theme was? Curious to know what the use case is for preventing non-admins from adding tags.

    During testing, we created a single custom status. Once created, we could not delete the status as it was listed as Default. There was no delete option provided.
    Is this correct behavior?

    Yep, that’s right. Always interested to hear about folks expectations though. What would your expectation be after deleting all statuses? What status would a newly created post get?

    edited cause I’m old and slow and can’t format sentences correctly

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by cojennin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by cojennin.

    Quick note: may have already figured this one out, but just so I cover my bases, if you had created a second status and marked it as default you would have been able to delete the first status

    Thread Starter jeffatrackaid


    This was a custom function in a child theme – not part of the theme itself.

    The function prevented non-admins from adding new tags not from adding existing tags.

    Limiting Tags
    The usage case is for a regional news organization with multiple staff and freelance writers. Historically, writers tagged their own posts without any consideration of existing tags. As a result, 50K posts had 25K tags, which sort of defeats their purpose and poorly curates content.

    Now the editorial staff sets the tags and authors must select from them. Authors sometimes ignore the request not to use new tags or do it by mistake & editors sometimes fail to spot new tags and remove them. So, this function is needed.

    This permits better use of tag archives to curate content.

    Custom Status
    This could be a bug in our install but the exiting WP default statuses were not displayed in the list. There were no entries. Only the newly added status was listed.

    Once added, this was shown as the default.

    My expectation is that the current core WP statuses would be included by default. You would then customize from there — easily mark inactive the ones that ones not used. (You should not be able to delete WP’s 8 default statuses).

    This may make adoption and reversion of custom statuses easier. You may already have workflow built around the existing WP statuses, so you could continue to use that workflow without having to setup too many new status items. Also, if you reuse WP’s default statuses, reverting could be easy as well.

    Limiting Tags

    Very interesting, thanks for the explanation!

    The function prevented non-admins from adding new tags not from adding existing tags.

    Were you an admin when you tried to add a custom status? Thought we prevented folks from accessing the page for adding and editing custom statuses unless the user was an admin.

    Custom Status

    Hrm, yea, that’s a bit odd. On activation of the plugin it should “replace” Draft and Pending with custom statuses that represent Draft and Pending. You should see those in the list of custom statuses (and you should be able to delete them, add them again, etc).

    Be tough to replace things like Publish and Trash (and Auto-Draft, etc) which is why Edit Flow doesn’t touch those. Something that’s been thought about though! You may have already stumbled on core ticket 12706 but if not might be worth a quick read through if you’re interested. Some good perspectives (historical and current) on the status of custom statuses in WordPress.

    @jefftrackaid I hope this isn’t too late to help, but on the Tags issue we have the same need, and solved it using a two-pronged approach that won’t be effected by anything EditFlow does/doesn’t do:

    1. Install the fabulous free plugin by Amaury Balmer “Simple Tags”
    It has a wealth of features but most importantly a section displayed on each Post’s write/edit screen for “Click Tags” (tags you click on to apply!) which is simply a list of all of your tags….it allows tags to be added by clicking on them but NOT to add new Tags, that would be done (ordinarily) by the WP standard Tags metabox;

    2. Remove the standard WP Tags Metabox and Menu Item from all users who are below Editor level role, using a function added to either your Theme’s functions.php file, or as in our case, a custom ‘plugin’ that just contains a bunch of customizations for our site, like so (you’ll note that we also don’t allow Contributors to choose the Category, that is done by an Editor):

    // Removes certain Metaboxes
    function remove_post_metaboxes() {
    	if ( !current_user_can( 'delete_others_posts' ) ) {
    		remove_meta_box( 'formatdiv','post','side' );// Format Metabox
    		remove_meta_box( 'categorydiv','post','side' );// Category Metabox		
    		remove_meta_box( 'adv-tagsdiv','post','side' );// Tags Metabox	
    add_action( 'do_meta_boxes', 'remove_post_metaboxes');
    // Remove Tags Menu Item for <Editor users
    function my_admin_menu_changes() {
     if ( ! current_user_can('delete_others_posts') ) {
    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_admin_menu_changes' );

    This approach would do what you want – allow Post Contributors/Authors to choose and add tags from your existing list, but not add any new ones. Editors/Admins could still add Tags, either on each Post on the fly or via the Tags Menu.

    These were great resources for me to learn how to do this:

    I hope this helps!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by TrishaM.
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