• Hi All,

    I’m creating my first wordpress plugin – which is adding a new form to the add/manage areas of the admin site to allow a new content type to be written to the database…

    I’ve got all the nuts and bolts working just great – but I’m struggling to get the tinyMCE plugin to match the controls/functionality of the default ‘new post’ / ‘new page’ style pages.

    Can anyone give me some tips?

    I’ve included the supplied tinymce javascript file, and am using the following few lines to initiate the wysiwg:

    theme : “advanced”,
    plugins : “safari,inlinepopups,autosave,spellchecker,paste,wordpress,media,fullscreen,wpeditimage,-cforms”,
    mode : “textareas”,
    elements : “post_body”,
    width : “565”,
    height : “200”

    Any pointers really appreciated.


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