So you come here to leave a review because you don’t know what you’re looking at, but you never bother asking for help..?? You’ll see that we respond quickly to people and are well known for our good support.
As for “dozens of variations” I don’t know what you’re referring to. The plugin provides different PayPal Products:
– Express Checkout
– Payments Pro DDP
– Payments Pro PayFlow
– Payments Advanced
– Payments Plus
– REST Credit Cards
– Braintree
So that’s 7 different products. Not dozens, and we include them all here for free, where-as you’d have to buy each one separately from other plugin providers.
You just need to know which one you need and configure it accordingly, then you can ignore all the others, or even hide them from the admin panel display if you’d like.
Endless instructions..?? Not really. We have a few step-by-step guides for setting up some of those gateways, and in fact we’re actually behind on documenting many of the newer ones. If you’re confused about any of it, though, again, all you’d have to do is submit a ticket here or at our help desk.
If you want to ask me about anything I’d be happy to help you get whatever PayPal product you need working on your site, and then I would hope you’d come back here and adjust this rating.