• OK, this is weird.
    When I write a post and add a link to a segment of text, the link displays properly in the post preview, but does not display on the page after it is saved. However, if I put *anything* in excerpts, the link will display properly on the page.
    Any idea what’s up?

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  • I would suggest registering and adding your sites URI
    Please post your site so that we may look at the source code.
    Kind regards,

    Sorry, I didn’t realize I was not logged-in.
    I altered the post “Mediaa€?s lack of diversity skews news judgment” so that it has no excerpt. The text “USA Today” should be a link but, as you can see, it is not. In the post “News Grows Old Before Its Time,” I copied the entire contents into the excerpt field, but the link (interesting question) would have display if I just wrote “hi” in the excerpt field.

    /me shrugs
    What I also suggest is adding some padding to your css variable for inline images in posts. This way you have a nice padding around the image instead of the text being bumped right upside it.
    .storycontent img {
    PADDING: 0px 6px 0px 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 1PX; FLOAT: LEFT;
    Something like that..

    Thanks for trying, gravity.
    Where’s Root or Podz or some of the others I’ve seen helping out around here? Maybe a new perspective will help.

    Thanks for your quick response. I’ve seen your name around here alot. Are you connected to WordPress or just a helpful individual?
    I have no plugins. I haven’t upgraded but I just installed this (ver. 1.2) 7/12/04.
    Is there an upgrade this soon that would address this? And while we’re on the subject….I am curious about upgrading in general. I have made numerous changes to the index.php and wp-layout.css and a couple other files. Does the upgrade impact anything I might have customized or just ‘system’ files? Would I need to take any precautions to preserve what I’ve done before I upgrade?

    I’m not connected to WP no – I just spend a lot of time online ??
    How to upgrade
    But any queries, do post back !
    As for the issue, it looks like some sort of filter is running and stripping stuff from the post, but if you have no plugins, I can’t see why that would be happening….you mention a ‘couple of other files’ – which ones would they be ?

    I think I mis-stated about modifying “a couple of other files.” I actually pulled code out of index.php, put it in a separate file, and call that file from index.php (i.e. the sidebar). Those are the other files I modified. I did this so that I can choose whether to include the sidebar on subsequent pages and if I edit sidebar.php, the change will occur in all files that call it.
    Something is certainly stripping the link (href) code from the post. But it doesn’t strip it if there is content in the excerpt field.
    One mod I made may have something to do with this:
    <?php if ($single) the_content();
    else the_excerpt(); ?>
    I found this mod on this forum. As I understand it, if there is no excerpt, it should display the content (which it does). So if this is having an effect, I don’t know why. But I thought I’d point it out.

    What I would do is save my altered files, and replace them with unaltered ones.
    Check everything works (it may look ugly while you do it), then see if the href is stripped. If yes, shout here. If not, then put your changes back 1 by 1 and check everything after each change.
    That should narrow things down to the culprit.

    I encountered this same problem just now.
    When the excerpt field is empty no links are shown in the post. When I put some content in the excerpt field everything works OK.
    And I use this code to display the excerpt ?3r the content:
    if ($p) {
    } else {

    So I guess there’s a bug somewhere.
    I’m using the latest official download, so that’s 1.2 Mingus.

    Never took the time to say THANKS for this reply. So “thanks for taking so much time in answering this question so perfectly!” ??

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