Hello again,
I have built many WC shops before but it’s only a few weeks ago I undertook my first ever WP development for a takeaway food business. My client owns a pizzeria and before I undertook this project I didn’t see the point of time-controlling an online shop. Here are the uses I can think of:
– Disable the add to cart functionality during closed hours
– Disable checkout during closed hours
– Display a popup or inline message when trying to add a product during closed hours.
– Display a shop closed pop up/header/footer message with a close button
For the first feature in the list I’m using Woo Shopping Hours free plugin but I’ve noticed that if I have any items previously added to the cart, it wouldn’t stop me from completing the job hence the need of the 2nd feature.
I believe that their Pro plugin comes with the 3rd feature
For the last feature in that list, I’m currently using your plugin’s [isclosed] with a pop-up message plugin.
Hope these help.