Good potential, but lots of disappointment.
Plugin does not work on multi-site installation.
Support ticket filed a week ago hasn’t been acknowledged, and the lack of activity on the support board on past tickets is concerning.The plugin is conceptually great, but I’ll have to keep looking. It’s been my experience that lack of support or activity from the developers usually results in a short development lifespan for a plugin (lack of timely updates or altogether abandonment).
The plugin is very stable, but I don’t check here often. As said in the readme, find me on Twitter or whatever.
It does work on Multisite, but also obeys the capabilities requirements of WordPress.
All other plugins that I use on my multisite wordpress installations, individual site administrators are able to use their plugins with all normal functionality.
This plugin works on single-site installations, but on multi-site installations of WordPress, with either the plugin activated at the network level, or activated for individual sites (not at the network level), only the network administrator can utilize the functions of the plugin.I would imagine that for a plugin to be considered functional for multisite installations, it should function as-intended if it is activated on a per-site basis. This is not the case with your plugin. This was explained in my support post, last year.
Simply claiming that something works doesn’t make it so.
As far as the Twitter or Github thing goes, the plugin is available for download here on; I have an account here on, and there’s a support board for the plugin. Expecting users to track you down (and create accounts on other platforms to do so) seems silly. It’s also worth noting that by providing support for your plugin(s) in the support boards on the platform that they are downloaded from affords other users the ability to search through existing posts and potentionally find solutions to overlapping or reoccuring issues.
Especially when there available means for you to easily monitor the boards associated with your plugin(s):
How do I get notified for forums posts?
Go to and scroll down to the bottom of the list of posts. There you will see an option for the RSS link, as well as a sign up for emails.
Signup links for email/rss
Click the subscribe link for emails, or use the RSS link in your favorite reader.
How do I get notified for all my plugins?
If you’re tracking the WordPress forums, will list all of the support requests and reviews for any plugin you have commit access.
Not a comitter, just someone listed as an author? Use
Those are RSS only. If you need email, go to and put in the terms you want to be emailed for.
“Simply claiming that something works doesn’t make it so.”
Yeah, *testing* revealed to me that “it is so,” so…
Free forum support is community based, not “enslaved plugin developer obligated.” I can’t help that no one in the community cared to help you.
If you want me to monitor this free plugin for your complaints, you can pay me an hourly rate of $120/hr to sit around and wait for you. Otherwise, I’ll respond to folks who can follow simple READMEs and are politely asking for *my limited free time* because my time is valuable to my wife and kids.
Your response to the support thread (“The plugin works fine. This user has logic/reading comprehension issues, for which PHP and WordPress cannot fix.”) just makes you look arrogant, along with your additional responses here.
Further, I find your self-evaluation to be so fascinating, but completely irrelevant. Multi-site still isn’t addressed in the Readme, nor in the FAQ, and the functionality issue that existed in the version that I tested was never addressed.
The irony is that when you reviewed your own plugin, you claimed “I’d like some reviews, good or bad”, you’ve acted like a petulant child because of a negative review. Feel free to carry on with further personal attacks or make more exclamations about your self-importance. I’m just going to go ahead and uncheck the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” box, so you can consider your little conversation by your lonesome.
My initial review still stands, my only regret is that I -had- to grant one star. You had another support thread regarding multi-site issues that was never resolved and eventually abandoned.
At the time of this review, one year ago, this plugin did not work appropriately with a multi-site configuration, in the context with which other plugins work in a multi-site environment.
The simple solution for you would have been to say “this plugin isn’t intended to work with a multi-site configuration,” in response to my support ticket, or in response to this review. This information wasn’t present in the FAQ, ReadMe, or any other documentation that I had with the plugin at the time of downloading and installing it.
PS: I can’t resist. $120? I wouldn’t pay you to proofread my kids’ homework. Unless of course, that homework was, perhaps, an essay on bloated egos.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
P.S. This plugin works fine with a multi-site configuration. Reviewer doesn’t know how WordPress works, and thinks this is a bug or flaw in my plugin.
“Expecting users to track you down…”
I don’t expect users to track me down: This is actually a *favor* that I do for users, for free. There’s no requirement that I let anyone know how to contact me in other channels. This isn’t some burden on you. Also, I don’t OWE you any support time. NONE!
“this plugin did not work appropriately” as I’ve explained on your support ticket, your misunderstanding is your misunderstanding. I’m so sorry that none of the *unpaid volunteer* support staff answered your question to your liking in a timely manner.
But, as generous as I am, I’m prepared to offer you a full refund of your purchase price, minus applicable fees.
BTW, if anyone finds this and wonders what the solution is: This plugin lets WP users enter UNFILTERED HTML, which is potentially dangerous for untrusted users. WordPress has a CAPABILITY CHECK which protects you. This plugin obeys that check.
In single site installs, trusted users AS DEFINED BY WORDPRESS are ADMIN or EDITOR.
In multisite, trusted users are, AS DEFINED BY WORDPRESS, only the SUPER ADMIN.
This plugin abides by the WordPress authors’ informed decision as to why this is so.
(The reason is, if an editor or admin on a blog on your network wanted to, he could inject a script to steal your super admin credentials. Not all networks are filled with users you trust. Imagine letting any randos who signed up inject unfiltered javascript…yeah, not smart.)
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
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