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  • Hi!
    Maybe you are using the free theme.
    ENIGMA free theme is better than premium.
    Difference are:
    1 free option easy editing, you can edit slider social options, general theme options and many more in customise that make it easy for quick develop. ones you feel it ok for you to go premium you’ll be surprise customise is very scanty and you have to know how to work in dashboard before you can make the website no matter how ward you do it will not be great as the free theme.

    2 No even widgets if you work with page builder that shows that the developer are very very stingy and deceitful what they show on free ENIGMA theme is not what you get on premium, they don’t give much for the money they charge for their premium theme unlike other popular themes of the same price even less price theme like VINTAGE, ZERIF, SPARKLING SYDNEY.
    So be wise before purchasing the theme.
    Think twice before purchase.
    Don’t be deceived by the name enigma because this theme has many names like Enigma, Inferno, Gardian, Incredible and many more. check the developers website before been scam (Weblizar) you’ll learn more of their mostly useless themes.

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