So I think I solved everything now except making custom colours to match my theme perfectly. That would be so sweet, but for now I’m content.
I thought I would update my own post in case someone wants to do something similar in the future.
- To centre my Cool Tag Cloud I added this custom CSS to my theme:
.cool-tag-cloud {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
position: centre;
width: 70%;
Just change the width percent to make it narrower or wider. It’s not centred perfectly like this paragraph you’re reading now, but it’s good enough for me.
2. My font was indeed smaller than 17px before but when I added the smallest parameter to my shortcode it was fixed. I ended up going down to 15px.
[cool_tag_cloud on_single_display=”local” taxonomy=”album-category” style=”silver” font_weight=”bold” smallest=”15″]
3. I never solved my third point yet to style the tags in a completely custom colour scheme to match my theme… so that isn’t resolved yet, but I’m content for the time being.
Going to mark this off as resolved.
Thanks for making a simple plugin that works!