• Help! Some computers (including my bosses)hang up when attempting to load my site https://www.sttimothysanglican.org/wordpress

    His computer (and one other in the office that I know of) go to 100% CPU usage on his machine according to the task manager and become non-responsive. Both my boss and one other off site person who cannot get on have AOL. I have tried loading with ie but it goes to 100% CPU as well. I am using K2 as my template.


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  • Check that you haven’t been hacked (no weird scripts, code, or links on your site) and then try to ID the problem by switching to the default theme and disabling all plugins and seeing if the problem goes away.

    Also validate your code:


    I’ve had bad web java (java not javascript) freeze my browser in the past, so remove any java applets if you have them.

    There has recently been created a plugin for this. It’s called Exploit Scanner.

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