Hi perucho305,
Looking at your site there appears to be a large number of assets being loaded on the page (124 requests in total: 51 scripts and 27 style sheets including Auction Nudge) I would guess that not all of these assets need to be loaded on this page, but as a web browser can only download a particular number of assets at a time, it is having to wait to download Auction Nudge in a queue (known as ‘blocking’).
You can see how this is happening on your page here (the link appears to be broken by the editor, please copy and paste the entire line):
This shows all of the assets being loaded, in which order and how long they take to load. Please notice that all of the Auction Nudge assets are loading very fast, but they have to wait their turn.
If you want to improve the performance of your site I would look into reducing the number of assets the page is requesting. One way of doing this is to use a WordPress performance plugin which combines JavaScript and CSS assets automatically (it may be an option you need to enable in your cache plugin).
I hope this helps.