• I don′t know how this WordPress thing works, or what the deal is with WP, but i dicovered WordPress about 10 months ago, and loved it. I use it on five domains i own. But 2.5 was a disaster. For three months i′ve been looking for help with the image uploader, and it looks like i′m not the only one. (HTTP error, anyone?)
    And something happened with the possibilities to control the widgets…
    And the strange thing is – i haven’t heard or seen a written word from anyone working with WordPress. Nothing!? Not a comment? As if there was no problem.
    In the dashboard i can read news about WP but everythings is good, great, fantastic, even better…
    I live close to the Soviet Union and the WordPress community reminds a little bit about the regimen there, in their way of denying facts, in their way of pretending everything is just perfect.
    Whats wrong with 2.5.1? And what can we, the users, do?
    It would have been so easy to give an explanation. Or admit that there are a few bugs, so we at least didn′t blame ourselves or our hosts.
    I don′t know about you, but I′ve had enough.
    Tonight i′m gonna check Drupal… heard a lot about it lately…

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Have you tried these solutions?


    All the image uploader problems I have seen (and there have been plenty of people with issues) have been fixed by one of these. That’s why I put them there.

    In short, have you tried actually searching for solutions to your problem? I’ve posted that link countless times. All you have to do is look for it.

    Thread Starter storaord


    I′ve tried everything…

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I′ve tried everything…

    Clearly not, because if you actually had tried everything then it would be fixed.

    If you like, you can email me your WordPress login info and FTP login info for your site, and I will fix it for you. I have a 100% success rate at fixing uploader issues, so far.

    [email protected]

    “HTTP error, anyone?”

    sorry, no. not here.

    yah whatever that means.

    Drupal and WordPress are both excellent but if you haven’t the patience for WordPress then Drupal will probably be tough on you.

    Are you sure, that your listing with fixes is complete?
    I had a problem with my WP2.5.1 multimedia-uploader when I used it at work. At home everything everything was fine. The problem on some computer-systems was: after WP crunched all the uploads and I clicked on “Insert image” or “Insert gallery” there was only a white box.
    I found a fix for that problem in a german forum. It’s a change in the file /wp-admin/js/media-upload.js . Here is the code (the old values are commented out):

    	var win = window.opener ? window.opener : window.dialogArguments;
    	if ( !win )
    		win = top;
    	var win = parent;

    Perhaps it’s a dirty trick, but for me it worked!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Are you sure, that your listing with fixes is complete?

    Of course not. But every problem I’ve actually seen and fixed, I’ve put in there.

    That javascript thing is a new one on me, and I don’t see why it would work.

    i know what the “HTTP error” thing is now. there is something up with the flash uploader (as seen in loads of other threads). it works ok on my local MAMP install on my mac, but not on the live server. so i’ve added the ‘no flash uploader’ plugin. end of problem.

    I just started with WordPress a couple of weeks ago and it couldn’t find the directory ethier.
    You have to show it the path, so to speak. example:
    Mine is, https://www.blahblahblah.com/WordPress/wp-content/plugins/random-image-widget/ugly.jpg Not a real url
    You need to put the pictures in whatever folder you like, Then show WordPress where to find them.

    I agree that 2.5 is the most problematic version of WordPress yet. I love WordPress, but 2.5 has given me more headaches than any previous version. ??

    If you are getting the white screen .. that’s easy to fix.

    1) Go to the front page of your blog
    2) hover your mouse over your header link to your homepage
    3) look in the bottom right of the task bar and note the URL
    4) go into your settings/general and look at WordPress address (URL)
    5) if different – change it.

    As an example – I was getting a white screen. My homepage was showing:

    I had in my settings:

    when I changed my settings to:

    … no more white screen of death.

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