drazon, I really do believe you should revise your rating out of respect for the work Steven has put into this. While it is true that his plugin does provide out of the box functionality that you can install and instantly use on any theme, he has put a lot of thought into this plugin.
What it does is provide the framework for churches to integrate sermons, podcasting, events, location information and events that a developer can use to build a site for a church with these key components.
He set up very easy to follow documentation for other developers to add this functionality and in many cases even sell it that theme for profit. He could have easily put this together and bundled it with his own themes and not make it available for other developers to use and would have completely justified in doing so. Instead, he put his work out there along with documentation on how to use it which is very generous and perfectly in line with the spirit of open source.
Reviews shouldn’t be used as a way to express your displeasure and share your opinion on what you think a developer should or shouldn’t do. Rather, they should be a way for you to provide feedback to the developer and other potential users on how well the plugin does or does not function. In this case, his plugin functions very well and does exactly what it claims to do, and does it very well.