• First i got an error:
    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare gourl_install() (previously declared in /home/hiiden/ftp/hiiden/wp-content/plugins/gourl-bitcoin-payment-gateway-paid-downloads-membership/gourl.php:4801) in /home/hiiden/ftp/hiiden/wp-content/plugins/gourl-bitcoin-payment-gateway-paid-downloads-membership/gourl.php on line 4992

    Second i need to register on some 3rd party site.
    If you want to start accepting payments in Bitcoins (BTC), please create a Bitcoin Payment Box

    Third they will generate me a public key and privet one ??? Hahahahah this is like give someone a key to Your hose.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!! NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORST PLUGIN EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author gourl


    RE> Private/Public Keys
    GoUrl Private/Public Keys use for communicating between your server and GoUrl.io Payment Gateway server (similar like paypal id/keys). You can get that free keys from https://gourl.io/editrecord/coin_boxes/0. It is not bitcoin wallet private key.

    RE> 3rd party server
    You cannot track your bitcoin payments without 3rd party payment gateway (similar like paypal, any credit card processing server).

    RE> Cannot redeclare gourl_install()
    Please use latest version of wordpress 4.1

    Plugin Author gourl


    Manual plugin activation procedure –
    1) Install plugin
    2) Edit file gourl.php
    a) delete line 6655: register_activation_hook(__FILE__, “gourl_install”);
    b) goto line 4970, function gourl_install() and manually create three mysql tables in your database.
    c) Click activate plugin

    Thread Starter AirFlame


    Sorry but as i understand You telling me my clean wordpress site is a problem?? This is funny… Your plugin sux in first installation it brakes show errors and dont work at all not hidding posts pages do nothing.

    Not my problem any more deleted and forgot about worst plugin i installed in my life.

    I’d really like this to work. Having to manually create sql tables seems a little silly. I’ll come back when you have it working.

    Plugin Author gourl


    I’d really like this to work.

    We updated plugin to version 1.2.7. Plugin activation work fine now.

    I’m getting an error
    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
    On a fresh install :-[

    Plugin Author gourl


    Hi omicreative,

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Please do following:
    1) Check your php version. Our plugin support php 5.4+ for security.
    From php website “…as using older versions may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.”
    2) Disable all other wp plugins and click activate gourl plugin again.
    3) If still problem exists, please send us screenshots through contact form

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