Prevent Author from deleting media files!! ?
Hi Experts…
I love the new Media Gallery function…
BUT…My authors can delete pictures in my Media files?
How can I have posters/bloggers (That I dont want to approve all their blogs) but keep them from deleting my media files?Thanks
use a plugin called Role Manager and configure it so that your authors do not have any more rights than they need. can’t. WordPress’ permission system is not that finely granulated. Disk space (and images written on it) are shared property, unlike posts/Pages, which are written into the database…
jonimueller suggested the Role Manager plugin, but I don’t think it can help in your situation. Check out this screenshot: the Role Manager allows you only to allow or forbid uploading files.
One possible solution is not to rely on WordPress for maintaining your media files. It should be possible to back up your
directory and restore it using either utilities provided by your hosting company or a backup utility residing on your home/office computer. So even if a hapless author does delete a file or seven, they would be restored from backup in a short order…Hmm. I did check out that Role Manager and it doesn’t look like you can prevent a user from deleting an uploaded file, but you can prevent him from uploading files.
NC@WP, it seems folly to allow all users to be able to muck around in the media gallery. It would have made more sense if only admins could do that. But then again, as you pointed out, WP cannot control that aspect of it.
Chalk this up to a new thing I learned today and it’s barely after midnight. ??
it seems folly to allow all users to be able to muck around in the media gallery.
It is folly, but that’s the way WordPress is designed. Media files are different from posts and Pages in that there is no ownership information attached to them…
OK really didnt think this would be a problem….
What about having users puplishing their own stuff without editing or deleting other peoples blogs?
Can Role Manager help with this?
What I want is a Authour that can publish his own but not delete other Authors stuff (Dont want to approve everything from a Contributors..
All users need to have password and usernames…
Hmmm if a person use media in a blog it dosent matter if they delete it in the media gallary does it? it will still be part of the authors post/Blog right? but “just” removed from the library correct?
Thanks Guys…I am new to wordpress but already hitting some limitations like this I really didnt expect from such a great peace of software with 10000 of plugins LOL
What about having users puplishing their own stuff without editing or deleting other peoples blogs?
Can Role Manager help with this?
You don’t need Role Manager for that. Designating a user as Author allows her to publish her material, but not to edit or delete other users’ material (with the exception of media files, of course). Role Manager would help you if you needed some non-standard roles or wanted to change the permissions for a role already defined.
Hmmm if a person use media in a blog it dosent matter if they delete it in the media gallary does it? it will still be part of the authors post/Blog right? but “just” removed from the library correct?
No. When media files are removed from the gallery, they are deleted from disk. So any posts displaying media that was deleted will show dead links instead.
I am new to wordpress but already hitting some limitations like this I really didnt expect from such a great peace of software with 10000 of plugins
If you read WordPress materials carefully, you will notice that even its developers characterize it as a “personal publishing system” or “personal publishing platform”. Note the word “personal“; collaboration was deliberately de-emphasized in WordPress to make its deployment and operation easier for a less technologically adept user. There are products out there that are built on a different set of premises (Drupal comes to mind), but they are substantially more complex.
That is true…but WordPress is so much more today!
People are even using it as Content Management System and many more things…
Personal = 1 user then why have a user management interface?
But I get your point…its valid.But that still give me a problem about how to protect my media against stupid users (-;
WordPress is so much more today!
Indeed it is, but many architectural decisions were made well before today…
Personal = 1 user then why have a user management interface?
Because you still need to manage Contributors (users who are only allowed to comment on posts rather than compose their own).
that still give me a problem about how to protect my media against stupid users
That’s not a very dificult problem. I already suggested one possible solution above: do a daily (heck, hourly, if you’re so inclined) incremental back-up of your
directory and restore periodically. Whatever media has been uploaded will be backed up; if it is ever deleted (accidentally or otherwise), it will be restored in a pretty short order.
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