hey there cnl. Thank you for this review here – both myself and the whole team appreciate you taking the time to write this review. While we never like receiving low reviews, we also realize that they’re probably coming in for a reason…and the more we can do to address the feedback we get from these reviews, the less likely they are to continue in the future. Thanks right off the bat for your willingness to provide us an opportunity to get better.
You raise a good question here: how to support the mid-level users who aren’t relying on the plugin “stock”/”out of the box”, but also aren’t super technical devs who understand all the code talk in our technical documentation (assuming you’re referencing what you found at https://docs.tri.be )? I can’t say I have an answer for that at the moment, but know it’s something we’re actively working to do since we’ve received similar feedback from users in your position recently. We want to bridge the gap between helping users to the extent we can on on the forum – since as I’m sure you’re aware, we cannot build people’s customizations for them given our need to fairly distribute our support resources between all our users – and providing them resources with which they can help themselves. And we definitely need to get better at the latter.
Regarding the forum response time: yes, we do a retreat once a year where the team gets together, and during which support bandwidth is definitely going to be limited. While the majority of our users are receptive to this downtime – given that it’s 5 days out of 365, and that it almost always results in actions for the coming year that make the end users’ lives easier – it’s clear we failed to properly communicate this to you here. I welcome your feedback on how you would handle such a situation for your own team. Our regular response time, barring any unforeseen circumstances, is always 24-hours and we hold strong to that commitment.
All that said: sorry to hear we let you down here. While I’d love to hear more from you on how we could better serve users in your position, I also understand if you’d have better things to do now that you’ve moved onto another calendar solution. Either way please know that we are taking this to heart and appreciate the feedback.