Aaah! 2.5.1 image posting sucks
I’ve been trying to make a post that has several images in it for 30 freaking minutes now. WordPress 2.5.1 has seriously broken image posting system!!
Modal windows?? Why???
screwing up the alignment of images!ACKCKAKCKA!
I’m sorry. I’m a very reasonable person but all the “Progress” made in image handling is causing no end of frustration!!!!
In 2.3, the image insertion system was poetry. Now, not so much.
Man! you’ve got that right. I blogged about it just a few minutes ago.
Used to be I could easily upload pics in a field below my post. Now I have to click open some whoopdedoo fancy doohickey that takes a while to open, THEN upload my pic. Not only that, the stupid thing CRUNCHES it. If I wanted my pics smaller in size, I WOULD HAVE MADE THEM THAT WAY MYSELF! Now my pics suck.
I HATE the new image loading system.
Do you get that I hate it?
I’m extremely disappointed and wish that I hadn’t gone to all the trouble of updating WordPress. It was working beautifully before.
Hi guys,
I was wondering if any of you were interested in this. I haven’t posted the media.php file yet though because of lack of interest.
Also, WordPress crunches a thumb and a medium size picture. You’re original should be intact still.
Sunscream, while your hack is a little bit of a kludge (heh, I used 2 jargon words in 1 sentence ?? ), it is certainly an improvement over the the crazy frustration I’ve been experiencing with 2.5.1’s image posting system. I’d love to try it.
The best solution would look even more like 2.3’s image posting:
* uploading while typing is possible
* inserting each image at the cursor location
* decreased kruft in the image HTML.Yes Sunscream, I’d love to try your hack.
I’ve uploaded it here:
Please test before you go live with it. It should be working, but just in case something conflicts, you’ll catch it.
Modifications include:
* Default link location changed to post url from link url
* Checkboxes and Insert selected in the post Gallery view
* Default “thumbnail” selected instead of “medium”I’m planning to take out the rel=”” code too since I don’t see any reason for it.
This is the media.php file for wp-admin/includes/media.php. Not to be confused with wp-includes/media.php
I posted this in another thread. It won’t help now that some people are already having problems, but it might help those who might be upgrading.
I wonder if the problem is due to the way the upgrade was done. I went from 2.3.2 directly to 2.5.1 using the very tedious long method, which required me to manually delete and move files around. I hated it but I wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong, even if I did have to spend 2 hours doing the upgrade.
For those who are not able to upload your images, did you do the quick 3-step upgrade or, rather, the long way?
So far, I haven’t had any problems with my test posts and image uploads using the tediously long method at upgrading. I’m waiting to see if the other authors of my site will encounter any problems when they do their posts and image uploads. Problems may or may not show up then, but right now, things seem to be all right.
I HATE THIS #$#@$!@#%$#@#$% SYSTEM TOO. OMG, it’s driving me insane. Works perfectly fine on my old blog, but on new blogs, it’s all wacked. Can’t get anything to work. Why can’t things just WORK? BAH!
Why has this been a known issue for MONTHS with no REAL FIX?
Anyhting to help with WordPress’ God awful 2.5.x image posting. I run a webcomic, and the “crunching” even when I click full sized is driving me up the wall. This new image system is just stupid. When are they going to learn and make the UI cut and dry simple like Blogger… I swear, I love WP for it’s functionality, but do they have to make everything so fucking complicated…I’ll give this a go, thanks for your help, you’re a life saver!
The uploader does not “crunch” your images in any way. At full size it does indeed post the full sized image. However, your theme isn’t fully 2.5 compatible and does not specify a content width for the display area, so it gets the default of 500 pixels wide.
If you modified your theme slightly, you could fix this. You can do this in any theme by adding this line to the theme’s functions.php:
$GLOBALS['content_width'] = 800;
Replace 800 with the maximum width you want to allow an image to be in the main blog area.Okay, I knew the uploader doesn’t do the crunching… A moment of Luddite thinking in my frustration.
I was unaware of the size constraint property, guess my search terms weren’t as good as I thought. Thank you.
While I’ve got your attention, perhaps you can answer another question for me. When uploading an image into a post, occasionally the left/center/right alignment radio boxes don’t seem to affect the inclusion of the time. Also, the “more” link doesn’t seem to work. I’m using ComicPress as my theme if it helps.
Suggestions are appreciated, thank you.
Site: https://www.blackvatican.comThe left/right/center bits add new classes to the image, named alignleft, alignright, and aligncenter. Again, it’s up to your theme to define these correctly so as to make them have proper behavior. I give some example CSS that will work with *some* themes in this thread: , but basically you simply need to add styling code to your theme, for those classes, to make them behave in the way you want them to behave.The more link is dependent on your theme using the_content on the main blog page. If you’re using the_excerpt instead, it won’t work. If you are doing some kind of custom call to query_posts, it might not work. If the theme does multiple Loops, it might be doing it wrong and thus break the more tag. It all depends on how exactly your theme is doing the Loop(s). Theme authors very often get this wrong.
Does anyone have a happy answer for the first question (that I put forth in the form of an AAARHRHHGHG) “Modal windows”.
To rephrase better:
WordPress forces a modal window when you go to upload images. This new mechanism causes the user to click, drag and wait significantly longer than in WordPress 2.3 and previous versions. Additionally, it takes more clicking and dragging to place the image correctly. Can some of this -quick- and -easy- functionality be regained?
I gotta agree. Recent “enhancements” to image handling have my life much more difficult. I think this should be a PRIORITY error for addressing.
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