• WP newbie. Please redirect me:
    Is there a way for the blog administrator to send a message to all users of a blog?

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  • Assuming you have the email address of each user, just use that ?

    I think mistersugar means a handy button to email all the users who have posted? Or do you mean all the authors?

    He means the guys who have commented presumably. Could be handy.

    Thread Starter mistersugar


    Well, I have about 35 users/authors – and about 200 more to come – and I’d like a handy way to send site updates to all users/authors. At the moment, I need this to tell my users/authors that I’ve ditched pMachine for this wonderful WordPress software, and I need to draw their attention to the new system for contributing to the blog.

    I haven’t seen anything of that nature, but it would be easy enough to do – for authors. Commentors would be another story as many provide “dummy” e-mail addresses when posting.

    Does this need two steps to export from mysql into the spamming err I mean email client ?

    Could take one of the email forms, and if you’re logged in as an admin it gives an extra checkbox for ‘mail to all accounts’ or something.
    Reminder that the new spam laws require a bunch of things be followed, like how to get off mailing lists. Of course, if they are registered authors on your site, they all likely want to be included by definition…

    Thread Starter mistersugar


    Could take one of the email forms, and if you’re logged in as an admin it gives an extra checkbox for ‘mail to all accounts’ or something.

    Is this a current feature or tool of WP, or are you suggesting a hack that I’d need to write? I’m new to WP, and not adept at programming, so I’m relying on any existing tools or hacks or plugins.
    Also, are you referring to specific anti-spamming laws? Know where we can review the fine print of said law?

    You’ll have to hack for that or get someone else to do it for you. As for anti-spamming laws, you’ll need to do a search on your own as some states have their own laws.

    This is exactly what I need RIGHT NOW. Can anyone help?

    Kafkaesq posted an elegant hack to Mass Email all your authors in this other thread:


    It’s simply a hack that gives you a nice text list of all your authors name/email. You copy-and-paste the list into the BCC: field of your email.

    This one? A hack by K. for Mass Email your users


    EDIT: oops was trying to point out this thread in another thread

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