• Hi all. I’ve got an issue with feeds. They’re working as expected and everything, but the problem is, I want to add a list of tags for each post at the bottom of the feed. How can I do that?

    But there’s more! We’ve got a local Technorati-ish service that uses the RSS feeds to check for updates on linked tags. I can use PHP in my theme to get the links out there, but I don’t seem to be able to add them to the feed. Any ideas how I could do this? Preferably using functions.php or similar, since I don’t like to hack core files.

    So in essence, I want to:
    1. Add my WP tags to the feed
    2. Add linked “tags” corresponding with my WP tags to the feed

    Thanks a lot. I’m at loss when it comes to hacking feed stuff.

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  • I think there are some plugins coded my rmarsh that will do as you want. I remember adding tags & similar posts to the rss feed thru feedburner using Rmarsh’s plugins.


    Thanks for the tip, however, I fail to find anything there that will solve this situation. I’m pretty sure this is something that will be hard to achieve with a plugin as well, but I’m not sure of course.

    Take a look at this topic: Creating a custom RSS feed.

    Just make your own feed template by copying and customizing WP’s default feed templates (there in the wp-includes folder, such as feed-rss2.php). You can use almost any any template tag, e.g. the_tag(). See the Codex: Template Tags.

    Thanks scribblerguy, this is probably exactly what I need. Question is, how do I do this? Do I just copy the content of feed-rss2.php into my theme’s functions.php, and edit it there, or how does it work?

    I’m not sure how to proceed. I have absolutely no experience with writing WordPress plugins. I get the theming part, including making the template tags behave like I want it, but other than that, it’s a bit over my head.

    At the bottom of the thread I linked to was a link to a plugin with instructions on how to customize a feed. See:


    You don’t have to make a plugin, just use that plugin and edit the new RSS feed template as if it was any other template. The only difference is the XML markup for the feed.

    Oh, I misunderstood you there. ??

    The plugin did it for me, thanks a lot!

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